The Existence of Epigenetic Clocks Considered from a Programmed Aging Perspective

Why is degenerative aging near universal in species, when the few (probably) actually immortal species such as hydra show that aging isn't an inevitability, while negligibly senescent species such as naked mole-rats show that youthful health can be maintained throughout much more of life and old age than in our own species. There are two big tent camps when it comes to views on the evolution of aging. The first is a fairly static camp, in which aging is a seen as a side-effect of selection pressure falling most heavily on the performance of young individuals; evolution selects changes that support early reproductive success, regardless of the consequences to later health. Aging is a side-effect of what is called antagonistic pleiotropy, negative consequences of selected changes.

The second camp sees aging as an evolutionarily selected program, rather than a side-effect of evolutionary processes, is far from unified in what that actually means, and for the past twenty years has been undergoing change and ideation at a fair pace. The most discussed ideas in programmed aging in the 2020s are quite different from those of the 2010s. There is even a faction between the two camps that blends together concepts of antagonistic pleiotropy and programmed aging into variants of what is presently called the hyperfunction theory of aging. It is sometimes hard to keep track of who is presently in favor of what on this side of the fence, but the papers usually make for interesting reading.

Does this all have practical consequences? For a while back in the day it was possible to say yes, because it looked like epigenetic changes were a far downstream consequence of the actual causes of aging, the underlying cell and tissue damage, and programmed aging advocates usually argued for therapies to focus on changing gene expression from aged to youthful patterns. From the aging-as-damage perspective, that was exactly the wrong thing to do if large gains in health were the intended goal. Now the waters are much less clear. Epigenetic changes may in fact be much closer to the root causes of aging, as research into the consequences of stochastic mutational damage illustrate, and the sorts of therapy proposed by researchers who favor programmed aging versus the antagonistic pleiotropy viewpoint are no longer all that different. Other factors, largely economic, are now arguably more important in determining which approaches make the leap from laboratory to industry.

Epigenetic clocks and programmatic aging

Recent years have witnessed exciting advances relating to methylation clocks and programmatic aging theory. We have highlighted here the convergence of these two paths of progress, and described several new ideas arising from this convergence. Understanding of the biological processes of aging that methylation clocks correspond to has lagged behind the recent rapid progress in clock characterization. Several features of clocks suggest that this hidden biology involves developmental processes.

Recently developed programmatic theories offer a framework of ideas within which such developmental aging mechanisms can potentially be understood. Such a framework includes explanations for how such clocks evolve, the programmatic mechanisms in which they act, and how those mechanism contribute to late-life disease. Central to this framework is the hypothesis that epigenetic and developmental changes occurring throughout life history are part and parcel of the same process. According to evolutionary theory, genes exhibiting antagonistic pleiotropy, that are beneficial early in life yet detrimental later on, may be favored by natural selection, causing aging. In the context of programmatic theories, the basic hypothesis is that developmental gene action and processes that are beneficial earlier in life continue later in life, in a futile fashion, becoming detrimental and pathogenic.

Here we explore how recent discoveries about methylation clocks cohere with the developmental theory of aging. We present several new perspectives, questions, and speculations arising from the cross-referencing of these two subjects, and argue for the timeliness of interdisciplinary integration of biogerontology with developmental biology. Central to these ideas is the hypothesis that epigenetic changes occurring throughout life history (including ontogenesis and senescence) are part of wider developmental changes. We have elaborated upon this explanatory framework, introducing new terminology (including the distinction between onto-developmental and maturo-developmental processes). Hypotheses proposed include the regulation by polycomb proteins of a trade-off between developmental fidelity and plasticity, and the presence of a conserved developmental sequence as a major, previously unseen element in the aging process. These suggestions provide examples of the sort of thinking that is possible by combining ideas from evolutionary biology, biogerontology, and developmental biology, in what we have described as a developmental gerontology or devo-gero approach.


What if aging process is simply an ADN reading of our parents own ADN, thus following a pre-establihed routine like a ROM memory of a computer?

Posted by: Serge Brousseau at November 3rd, 2024 9:05 AM

I think the primary difference in approach is whether we are trying to fight against the body's natural desires or if we are trying to help the body achieve goals it naturally wants to achieve.

If aging is programmed (meaning evolution went out of its way to ensure we die on a schedule), then any therapy will be working against natural biological processes. Our goal is to disrupt those processes and stop them from executing like they want.

If aging is a side effect early life evolutionary pressures or non-selection of long-term robustness, then instead we should be focusing on therapies that help boost the body's ability to do what it naturally wants to do.

An example of where this matters is that deleting entire genes may make sense for programmed aging, but it almost never makes sense from a damage accumulation viewpoint. Non-programmed aging believers would assume that every gene evolved to be useful/beneficial to reproduction or keeping us alive, while programmed aging believers would assume that there may be genes whose sole purpose is to ensure we deteriorate/die.

There are a handful of genes that we have not yet discovered any beneficial effects of like USP-30, MIR-128, and IL-11. If programmed aging is correct, then we would assume that they exist merely to help ensure we decline in efficacy as we age. If non-programmed aging is correct, then we would assume that they have a purpose and we simply haven't found it yet. These two different views drastically change how we approach research and therapeutic development.

How much do we worry about Chesterton's Fence?

Posted by: Micah Zoltu at November 8th, 2024 4:20 AM
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