Old Oocytes are Partially Rejuvenated by a Young Follicular Environment

There is evidence for some stem cell populations to decline in function with age in part because of the aging of the surrounding stem cell niche, detrimental changes in the supporting cells making up the niche. The situation appears similar for oocytes, female germline cells. Their niche is the ovarian follicle, and researchers here show that aged oocytes undergo some degree of functional rejuvenation when placed into an environment that mimics the young ovarian follicle, at least as measured by metrics such as epigenetic profile and mitochondrial function.

An ovarian follicle is a basic functional unit in the mammalian ovary, composed of somatic cells (granulosa cells) that surround and support an oocyte (an immature egg cell) as it grows and matures before ovulation. The granulosa cells communicate with the oocyte to provide essential nutrients and components through channels known as transzonal projections. In turn, the oocyte provides key components that signal the growth and development of granulosa cells. Researchers tapped on this understanding of the relationship between somatic cells of the ovarian follicle and the oocyte to create hybrid ovarian follicles through an ex-vivo 3D culturing platform, building upon previous methods. The team then extracted the oocyte from its original follicular environment and transplanted it to a new follicular environment, whose own oocyte had been removed, to construct the hybrid ovarian follicle.

The researchers confirmed that aged granulosa cells, compared to young granulosa cells, exhibited an increase in the hallmarks of ageing, such as an increase in indicators of DNA damage and other factors linked to programmed cell death. They showed that this aged follicular environment can reduce the quality and developmental potential of a young oocyte.

The research team then created hybrid ovarian follicles containing an aged oocyte (i.e. an immature egg cell from an aged follicular environment) in a young follicular environment. The researchers demonstrated that the quality and developmental competence of the aged oocyte can be substantially, though not fully, restored through "nurturing" in a young follicular environment. The team found that the restoration of the quality of the aged oocyte was attributed to the reshaping of its metabolism and gene expression. The researchers discovered that the young granulosa cells, which were much better at establishing transzonal projections toward the aged oocyte, helped to facilitate this restoration. In addition, there was an improvement in the function and health of oocyte mitochondria, crucial organelles for energy production and cellular metabolism.

Link: https://news.nus.edu.sg/novel-approach-to-rejuvenate-aged-egg-cells/

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