A Conservative View of Aging Research and Development of Treatments Targeting Mechanisms of Aging

A present, the conservative scientific viewpoint on aging is that significant progress has been made in understanding how to produce therapies that might target mechanisms of aging, but these are still very early days in both (a) understanding in detail how those mechanisms give rise to the observed outcomes in aging, and (b) the development of age-slowing and rejuvenating therapies. It is most likely the case that more could be accomplished than is presently being accomplished, given greater will and funding. But the creation of a new field of medicine is a slow process, proceeding incrementally, taking years to convince each new larger and more conservative audience of the merits of the work.

A small number of people were convinced by the SENS proposals for rejuvenation biotechnology twenty years ago, which included a synthesis of the evidence for senescent cells to contribute to degenerative aging. A larger group of people were convinced a decade ago by concrete demonstrations in which clearing senescent cells produced rejuvenation in mice. Since then, bootstrapping of a longevity industry and a greater focus on aging in the research community has proceeded, but the largest and most conservative groups still remain to be convinced. The majority of decision makers in the pharmaceutical industry won't act on the potential for the treatment of aging until a fair number of therapies are approved by regulators, find a large market, and are proven useful in humans, for example.

Aging and aging-related diseases: from molecular mechanisms to interventions and treatments

Research on the mechanisms of aging is a very active area in academia and a difficult area of research in the biomedical field. The study of aging mechanisms will be extremely important for delaying aging, reducing the occurrence of aging-related diseases, and maintaining a long and healthy life in human body. Especially, in recent years, research on epigenetic regulation, proteostasis, autophagy, cellular senescence, stem cell, has provided us with new directions for aging mechanism study. However, the causes of human aging are multifaceted, and the mechanisms of aging are extremely complex.

So far, although a variety of theories on the mechanism of aging have been proposed by academics, all of which have their own experimental basis, but they all have their limitations to explain the complex mechanisms of aging. Therefore, we should adopt a comprehensive and multi-perspective approach when we explain the aging mechanisms. At present, there has been great progress in the research on the molecular mechanisms of aging, and there has been a breakthrough in the understanding of the biological and genetic mechanisms of the aging process, as well as a profound understanding of the pathogenesis of aging-related diseases. However, these findings are still far from being able to delay human aging and reduce the occurrence of aging-related diseases. Therefore, there is still a long way to go in the study of aging mechanisms.

Antiaging interventions and treatments for aging-related diseases face great challenges. An important way to achieve healthy aging is through early intervention and prevention. Early lifestyle intervention can promote healthy longevity and reduce aging-related diseases. Through a variety of lifestyle interventions, it is hoped that the aging process can be slowed and the incidence of aging-related diseases may be reduced. In terms of pharmacological interventions and treatments for aging-related diseases, most of the drugs now applied clinically may focus more on symptom relief after the onset of disease and lack therapeutic approaches to address the causes of aging and aging-related diseases. Research on the latest therapeutic approaches, such as stem cell transplantation, elimination of senescent cells, promotion of antiaging factor expression and inhibition of pro-aging factor expression, and tissue or organ regeneration, provides new directions for treatments of aging-related diseases. In addition, there have been significant technological developments, mainly through gene therapy, nanomaterial drug carriers, therapeutic antibodies, or small molecule drugs, which have also contributed to advances in the treatment of aging-related diseases. Some of these methods and technologies have been applied in the clinic, and some are undergoing model animal studies and small-scale clinical studies. The application of these state-of-the-art technological approaches and new targeted drugs will facilitate the treatment and clinical application of aging-related diseases.

The goal of aging medicine is gradually changing from disease treatment to prevention of the occurrence and development of aging-related diseases. In other words, geriatric medicine is moving away from focusing on postdisease treatment to targeting aging-related chronic disease risk factors for preintervention. Research on the mechanisms of aging and on intervention measures and methods has an important role in improving human health and prolonging lifespan. Due to the aging of the global population, antiaging and healthy aging pursuits are undoubtedly important tasks for public health organizations, scientific research departments and drug research and development departments. Although there are many challenges to the research of aging and aging-related diseases and many questions still need to be addressed, promoting healthy aging has important and far-reaching socioeconomic and public health implications. With the emergence of new technologies and methods of modern biology, and the development and utilization of new drug discovery methods, research on aging mechanisms will further facilitate the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of aging-related diseases, thus promoting healthy longevity for humans.


I appreciate this summary for helping me organize my own understandings and thoughts.

Early preventive interventions against the ravages of biological aging, as opposed to post-onset corrective measures, is of particular interest to me. Study of existing research results unambiguously support initiation of longevity and neuro-psycho-physiological capability interventions at the beginnings of life, even before conception, and certainly throughout the period of gestation and pre-adult development. Assertively identifying and implementing such 'uberkinder' interventions appears to be amoung the most humane, effective, accessible and inexpensive path to happier, more productive and long-living humans.

Posted by: Walter Harvey Crompton at January 18th, 2023 5:26 PM
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