News from the Methuselah Foundation: Support this Organization to See More Such Progress in the Future

The Methuselah Foundation is one of the most important non-profits in our longevity science community. It was the original home of the first SENS rejuvenation research programs, and has used our philanthropic support to fund a range of important projects and startups. If you look at many of the advances and initiatives of the past twenty years in our community, behind the scenes you'll find that Methuselah Foundation CEO Dave Gobel was in some way involved. All communities are the sum of their connections, and at the center of ours you will find the Methuselah Foundation and the SENS Research Foundation that it gave rise to, as our community grew in size and scope.

Below find the latest update from the Methuselah Foundation on their progress in helping to cultivate an industry of startups to produce therapies to treat aging, and in advancing the state of tissue engineering for the creation of new organs. Many of us in the community have supported the Methuselah Foundation from the early days, from the days in which the Methuselah 300 was established, a group of people who pledged to donate $25,000 over a decade. There are still spaces for those who want to support an organization that truly makes a difference. Give it some thought.

What If You Could Turn Back The Clock At A Cellular Level?

Enter Turn Biotechnologies, a company we began supporting in August after meeting them in California in February. Turn Bio is on a clear mission: to extend the health span by reverting cellular age. By doing that, tissues and organs can rejuvenate so that the whole body can be healthier and live longer. To do this, Turn Bio developed a technology capable of safely reprogramming how the DNA functions epigenetically. This approach effectively returns cells to a younger state, improving their function without changing their identity. The team comes out from Stanford University and is comprised of the proven scientists Vittorio Sebastiano, Marco Quarta, and Jay Sakar. The new CEO, Gary Hudson, is well known to many of us. The scientific team is optimizing the therapy and will be looking for strategic partnerships soon. As you might have realized by now, this activity falls under two of our six mission strategies: Debug the Code and Restock the Shelves.

New Parts for People: Progress on 3D Bioprinting of Organs

Many of you know Methuselah has been able to fully develop the mission strategy of New Parts for People. With our Support of Organovo, Organ Preservation Alliance, and New Organ Alliance, we are happy to have helped create an environment that fosters innovation in the printing of 3D tissues. We know that the organ shortage will be a thing of the past once these technologies fully mature. Our desire to accelerate results has moved us to make progress in two needle-moving activities.

First, we held a Vascular Tissue Challenge at NASA Ames this past March to continue the road mapping efforts to solve the vascularity challenge. As you may know, while full organs can be 3D printed, lack of blood perfusion is a roadblock to their practical use. In other words, the 3D printed organs begin to die almost as quickly as they are being printed. We partnered up with NASA to create a sizeable prize that would entice world-class teams to join in solving this problem. We are happy to say that 13 teams from academia and the private sector are nearing the point of submission for winning the prize.

We also decided to support a new venture called Volumetric. This team is focused on facilitating 3D printed organs for us all. They are doing this by producing biomaterials that will be used as inks in stereolithographic bioprinting. They just graduated from the NSF I-Corps program designed to help academics translate their breakthroughs into products. In just a few weeks, they have been able to partner up with top 3D bioprinting companies and have started focusing on the production of a bioprinter. What is so exciting about this bioprinter is that it will allow far more academics around the world to own a 3D printer due to its significantly reduced expense compared with alternatives in the market. We think that this move will keep democratizing research in this sector, which will accelerate results.

Methuselah Fund Successfully Closes Its Founder's Round!

We are happy to declare victory as the M Fund is finally closed! As everyone knows, a sector becomes legitimized once investors are excited to put the money in it. We understand that enticing money beyond the research budgets is vital to accelerating results. We wholeheartedly believe in the translation of science to the clinic and know that companies are obligated to do so by coming up with products. That is why the M Fund is so vital to making 90 the new 50 by 2030. With the help of some of you, we successfully finished this Founder's round and raised the full amount we were after. The M Fund investigates several companies weekly, looking for the best ventures to support. We hope to keep pouring fire into this nascent investment sector.

Study: What does it mean to be 90 vs 50 years-old?

What defines an average 90-year-old scientifically? What defines a 50-year-old? How could we make 90 the new 50 by 2030? Clearly, this is something that was of paramount importance since we decided to have the self-imposed deadline of year 2030. We know it is important to understand these questions in order to find out if we succeeded or not by the time 2030 comes around. Since the M Fund has been created to accelerate results in this field by means of targeted investments, we decided early on to study hundreds of longevity-related papers to come up with answers that could point us that way. The study yielded the added benefits of giving us a significant advantage in understanding the investable science that is on the horizon, and is available at our website. We know that you will find this extremely interesting and hope it can add value to your lifestyle and direct investment goals.


A new admission from the Social Security Trustees has again pushed forward the insolvency date to 2034, and there are many who think this is optimistic. So, if you are under 60 and expect to ride out on an income supplemented by Social Security, you better think twice and invest in technology that will increase you productive (work-span) far into the future.

Posted by: Tom Schaefer at November 28th, 2018 3:07 PM

"Study: What does it mean to be 90 vs 50 years-old?"

Mmm I found the definition chosen somewhat unfortunate (or, to be precise, using a sledge hammer to crack a nut). The study basicaly defines an aging biomarker, and we know that current aging biomarkers are imprecise and unreliable. To make any aging computation by biomarkers more precise and reliable, you must take averages over big populations instead of computing the age of an individual. But then you could simply use the classical definition of aging that uses mortality rates, that is much easier to compute.

Posted by: Antonio at November 28th, 2018 4:08 PM

@Tom Schaefer
There will be readjustments for sure. But the whole concept of or age pensions is based on the fact that old people cannot earn mone enough money.

If you're healthy enough then for earning potential is predicated not on the age but the macroeconomic factors and your marketable skill set.

So of the modern medicine can give you 30 more years of morbidity and nothing more then the elderly will need some form of financial assistance. What will be the acceptable taxation rate and lifestyle depends on the society. If you are for a lifestyle of the poorest countries
Then one working person can provide for several retirees. Of course that would bring some perverse incentives but it has nothing to do with anti aging

Posted by: Cuberat at November 28th, 2018 4:24 PM

@Reason, speaking of supporting non-profits, do you how know Giving Tuesday went for SENS? Hopefully they were inundated.

Posted by: Morpheus at November 28th, 2018 4:41 PM
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