Final Reminder for 2017: Help Us Fund Rejuvenation Research, and Claim the Last of the Challenge Fund to Match Donations
This year's Fight Aging! challenge fund matches the next year of donations made by supporters of SENS rejuvenation research who sign up as monthly donors to the SENS Research Foundation. Josh Triplett, Christophe and Dominique Cornuejols, and Fight Aging! have put up $36,000 to encourage you to create a brighter future for medicine. The fund expires at the end of 2017, and with just two weeks left in this fundraiser, the final third of the challenge fund is yet to be claimed.
So please join us in helping to support the scientific research needed to build a comprehensive suite of therapies to reverse the causes of aging and bring an end to all age-related disease. The SENS Research Foundation is one of the most influential organizations in this field, having achieved tremendous progress using the donations of past years. Few other causes have the potential to produce so great a benefit at such a low cost. When we say that we want to change the world for the better, we mean it: the existence of rejuvenation therapies will touch everyone, bringing the capacity to greatly improve all lives.

This year has certainly been one of ups and downs in fundraising; a lot of new funding has poured into the for-profit ecosystem with the arrival of investors such as Jim Mellon's team and the launch of ventures such as the Methuselah Fund. We're now all looking for more credible companies to emerge, run by teams focused on SENS-relevant approaches to aging, ways to repair the cell and tissue damage that produces degeneration and age-related disease. At the same time, charitable fundraising has been tough in 2017; if we want to do better, the community must grow. We must reach new audiences and persuade them of the merits of rejuvenation research, that the construction of rejuvenation therapies is both relevant and plausible as a goal.
Yet we were still fortunate enough to see the Pineapple Fund choose the SENS Research Foundation as one of the recipients of $1 million in bitcoins just a few days ago. This was made possible by the thousands of supporters who, over the years, lead the way by making modest donations and talked about the prospects for rejuvenation research. The anonymous principal of the Pineapple Fund could look at the SENS Research Foundation, and all that has been written about it, and because of our actions see a small organization of sizable influence and importance. The larger our community of supporters, the more credible that SENS research becomes in the eyes of potential donors, and the more likely it is that large donations are made to support future research. We make a real difference - so join in and make a donation this year!