Rejuvenation Biotechnology 2015 Wraps Up on a High Note

An official release from the SENS Research Foundation on the recent Rejuvenation Biotechnology 2015 conference:

The Rejuvenation Biotechnology conference brings together experts from research, academia, industry, policy, finance and regulatory fields to share ideas - and the latest research and developments - on diseases that are impacting the aging population on a global scale, such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The Rejuvenation Biotechnology Conference creates a forum for thought leaders from multiple disease communities to consider the wider potential of novel strategies for early intervention, while evaluating the feasibility of preventive and combinatorial medicine applications to treat all aging-related diseases.

"For the second year in a row, the Rejuvenation Biotechnology Conference achieved its mission of bringing together a global community to transform the treatment of age-related diseases. With the explosive growth this past year in research into the underlying causes of the diseases of aging, we have an even greater opportunity to continue to accelerate the construction of the Rejuvenation Biotechnology industry. SENS Research Foundation will continue to grow our outreach efforts through conferences and general advocacy, because we believe that a world free of age-related disease is possible."

The theme for this year's Rejuvenation Biotechnology Conference was "Bringing Together a Global Community to Transform the Treatment of Age-Related Diseases". Tracks included "Age-Related Diseases," "Therapeutic Approaches," and "Translation to Treatment," the latter of which included investigation into economics, investment, industry, regulatory issues, and the impact of digitization on healthcare. The conference featured over 50 leading speakers from industry, academia, government, and the financial community. Highlights included keynoters Chas Bountra, SGC Oxford Chief Scientist, Professor of Translational Medicine, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, and Associate Member, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, who spoke on "Transforming the Discovery of New Medicines," and Frances Colón, Acting Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State of the United States, who spoke on "Science and Technology for Diplomacy." Among the additional speakers were representatives of leading biotech firms including Sanofi, Sartorius Stedim, Fate Therapeutics, Biolatris, Sangamo BioSciences Inc., and Asterias Biotherapeutics, Inc. as well as CIRM, Stanford University, Scripps Institute and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and other leading universities.


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