SENS Fundraiser Success!
The SENS Research Foundation funds and coordinates rejuvenation research, various ongoing programs that aim to build the foundations of real, working treatments to reverse the causes of aging. Aging is a matter of accumulating cellular and molecular damage, all of which can in principle be repaired, and where in most cases there is a very clear, planned path ahead to the creation of the necessary biotechnologies for repair. The Foundation staff identify the areas most in need of help in the modern research community: stem cell research needs very little assistance, for example, while work on removal of cross-links in tissues would still be going nowhere and have next to no funding if not for the efforts of the SENS Research Foundation and its allies. The work of the Foundation is very important, as it directly speeds progress towards an end to the pain, suffering, and disease caused by aging.
This year a group of us assembled a $100,000 matching fund, and on October 1st challenged the community to donate a further $50,000, with all donations going to expand the SENS Research Foundation's scientific programs. The generous matching fund founders were Christophe and Dominique Cornuejols, Dennis Towne, Håkon Karlsen, Jason Hope, Methuselah Foundation, Michael Achey, Michael Cooper, and Fight Aging! Over the past three months, more than 500 people have donated in support of SENS rejuvenation research, and I'm pleased to note that the challenge has been met. As a result of your efforts our grand total of $150,000 will be added to the Foundation research budget in the coming year.
This is no small thing: early stage biotechnology research is not as expensive as you might think. This much money can cover the contributions of several talented young researchers to a year-long program of cutting-edge investigation into one particular cause of aging and the therapies that may help to treat it. Your efforts collectively make a real difference - and not just because you are helping to fund progress in research. Successful fundraisers held in public demonstrate that practical efforts to bring an end to degenerative aging do have a strong base of support, and that in turn attracts others to support this cause. Success in grassroots fundraising is also a very necessary part of bringing high net worth philanthropists and traditional funding sources to support these research programs. People capable of making very large donations for research never lead from the front, but rather always join in at a later stage. They are cautious and very conservative in what they support. They rely on people like us to light their way and illuminate the worthy causes by the fact that we are gathering to speak out and materially support these goals.
So celebration is called for: we set out to raise money for to expand the most important medical research in world, and we did just just that. If you missed out, it is never too late to donate, however. Another matching grant is now in place for the last few weeks of the year, provided by yet another generous supporter. Here is the latest from the SENS Research Foundation:
Fight Aging $50,000 Challenge Grant CompletedSENS Research Foundation is pleased to announce that you, our generous supporters, have helped us to achieve our $50,000 Fight Aging Challenge Grant Goal. Every dollar you gave us was tripled by the group of generous donors at Fight Aging! We are so very grateful to everyone who contributed on SRF's behalf. We thank you all. Our #GivingTuesday challenge, in which SRF's own Aubrey de Grey offered to match the first $5,000 given was also met on December 2nd. In fact, that $5,000 was quadrupled - making $20,000! Thanks to Aubrey and everyone who helped make our first #GivingTuesday a success.
New $10,000 Challenge Begins Today!
Everyone at SRF is thrilled at the success of these recent fundraising endeavors, but as a nonprofit we depend on continuing support. We are excited to note that a new challenge grant has been received from Ronny Hatteland, AutoStore - Software Developer. For every dollar we receive from now until the end of the year (December 15 - 31st), the first $10,000 will be matched by Ronny's generous gift. Ronny says, "The work of the SENS Research Foundation gives us all a chance to secure ourselves a healthy future and an extended lifetime to continue to embrace all that life has to offer us. I am very pleased to support SENS Research Foundation and I encourage all of you to join me."
You can donate to the SENS Research Foundation at their website, and since it is a 501(c)3 charitable organization all donations are tax deductible.
It's good to see enthusiasm translate into financial support.
The 10,000 fundraiser needs a ticker... and I think it might also be more motivating if they held separate fundraisers for individual areas of their research. For example this 10,000 matched to 30,000 could pay half of the salary of one researcher to investigate ablation of immune system memory cells. After all, what will do better on kickstarter, a project to do immune system memory cell ablation, or a project that just promises to do "some cool age related research"?
Proud to have donated! And thanks to matching fund donators for providing the opportunity to create a funding event. This is very important too, both for financial and PR reasons.