Stem Cell Transplants as a Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

Researchers review the evidence from animal studies suggesting that stem cell transplants are a beneficial treatment for degenerative disc disease. This is a treatment that has been available via medical tourism for some years now, though it is still only just entering clinical trials in the US:

Stem cell transplant was viable and effective in halting or reversing degenerative disc disease of the spine, a meta-analysis of animal studies showed, in a development expected to open up research in humans. Recent developments in stem cell research have made it possible to assess its effect on intervertebral disc (IVD) height. Not only did disc height increase, but stem cell transplant also increased disc water content and improved appropriate gene expression. "These exciting developments place us in a position to prepare for translation of stem cell therapy for degenerative disc disease into clinical trials."

The increase in disc height was due to restoration in the transplant group of the nucleus pulposus structure, which refers to the jelly-like substance in the disc, and an increased amount of water content, which is critical for the appropriate function of the disc as a cushion for the spinal column. What they found was an over 23.6% increase in the disc height index in the transplant group compared with the placebo group. None of the 6 studies showed a decrease of the disc height index in the transplant group. Increases in the disc height index were statistically significant in all individual studies.

"A hallmark of IVD degenerative disease is its poor self-repair capacity secondary to the loss of IVD cells. However, current available treatments fail to address the loss of cells and cellular functions. In fact, many invasive treatments further damage the disc, causing further degeneration in the diseased level or adjacent levels. The goal of tissue engineering using stem cells is to restore the normal function and motion of the diseased human spine."



What is annoying with the Western medical / Hippocratic approach is its Hypocritical and business oriented culture and delirium.
Business minded Western medicine bioethical paradigms consider that abortion (which is the assassination of a living human being) is ethical and legal, while stem cells therapy (which is the most humanistic therapy in the meaning that it can save millions of lives and alleviate horrific human illness related suffering) is considered as unethical and consequently illegal,simply because it can endanger the Health industry’s and the Big Pharma multitrillion businesses.
Stem cells therapy is the future of medical sciences and Mankind happiness which is stipulated in the US Declaration of Independence. However it will suffer huge setbacks and criminal blockages as long as the stem cells related researches are hostage of private funding which naturally is profit oriented and consequently will not fund it.
Only the MANDATORY PUBLIC FUNDING OF MEDICAL RESEARCH AND AMONG THEM STEM CELL RELATED RESEARCHES can push ahead or accelerate the expected tremendous results these researches will bring .After all, Health is a public concern and priority ,a national security issue, as is the robot on the planet Mars for some business minded people .
The question here is as follow: what is the return on investment benefit of the planet Mars robot related multibillion researches on Human wellbeing and happiness, and why the Public Sector has enough money to waste such stupid extraterrestrial projects while neglecting the priority of helping suffering humankind on its own Planet? God Bless all stem cells related researchers and awaken the tax payers on how their money is wasted.

Posted by: dr nourian at March 13th, 2014 3:16 PM

If we had these trials in the uk I would be begging for a chance to be considered, without people like you there is no hope for people like me

Posted by: Tracy foster at January 10th, 2016 2:07 PM
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