SENS6 Conference Press Release
The sixth Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence conference will be held in September, the latest in a series of conferences devoted to rejuvenation biotechnology, building the means to reverse aging:
The world's leading series of conferences dedicated to the prevention and treatment of the diseases of aging using regenerative medicine will hold its next installment later this year. The conference, entitled "SENS6: Reimagine Aging," will be held from September 3-7, 2013 at Queens' College, Cambridge, UK. As part of the biennial SENS conference series, SENS6 will be presented by SENS Research Foundation (SRF), a biomedical research charity."What makes the SENS conferences different is the way they unite experts on every major aspect of aging," said Dr. Aubrey de Grey, SRF's Chief Science Officer. "These conferences are a place where we talk about solutions: repairing the damage that underlies each of these diseases. You won't find that comprehensive, practical approach discussed anywhere else - though, of course, we're doing our best to change that."
Topics covered at the conference will include heart disease, cancer, cellular senescence, age-related dysfunction of lysosomes and mitochondria, and advances in gene delivery. "Based on how far we've already come, as this meeting will show, I'm extremely optimistic about the progress that the scientific community will make in all of these areas in the coming decades," added Dr. de Grey.
The keynote address will be delivered by Harvard's Dr. George Church, a world-leading luminary in genomics. Other top speakers include MIT's Todd Rider, Cambridge's Robin Franklin, Carnegie Mellon's Alan Russell, and the McGowan Institute's Eric Lagasse.