Correlating Measurements of Mitochondria and Telomeres

A number of lines of research have suggested that telomere length and mitochondrial damage are linked in some way. The research result below is noted with the caveat that it is very easy to find correlations in aging, however, as aging is a global process in which everything declines.

Both telomere length and mitochondrial function are accepted as reflective indices of aging. Recent studies have shown that telomere dysfunction may influence impaired mitochondrial biogenesis and function. However, there has been no study regarding the possible association between telomere and mitochondrial function in humans. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify any relationships between mitochondrial and telomere function. The present study included 129 community-dwelling, elderly women. The leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number and telomere length were measured using a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction method.

Leukocyte mtDNA copy number was positively associated with telomere length. With a stepwise multiple regression analysis, telomere length was found to be an independent factor associated with leukocyte mtDNA copy number after adjustment for confounding variables including age [and] body mass index. Our findings suggest that telomere function may influence mitochondrial function in humans.



it seems to me, tht whn God intervened to reduce life spans, God activated or inserted th aging mutation which greatly & n a relatively short amount of time, reduced th lengths of telomeres.

it is therefore likely tht 1 function of telomeres lengths is to indicate/signal respective mitochondria whn they should decrease energy production. most likely in mitochndra of vision systems & skeletal muscle synthesis; & this, n regards to aging.

here's another suggested functional relationship between telomeres & mitochndra. perhaps th telomeres also nfluence th initial concentratn distributn for functioning mitochndra? such an nfluence wud help to explain th association between mitochndra function & dysfunction wth asperger-autism spectrum disorders.

aside from ageing, healthy functioning mito quantity & concntrtn at any age seems to be capable of determining energy potential for hyperactivity and hypoactivity; & ths wth regards to all physiological systems. there4, influencing gifts as well as disabilities. ths suggested relationship cud illuminate th undrstnding of why some ppl r savants, othrs typical asperger & others gretly physically impaired regardless of lengths or n connection wth th lengths of telomeres. n addition, such a relationship wud also easily xplain th patterns of pretty much all genetic disorders. concentration distribution of healthy functioning mitochndra as nfluencd by th signaling mechanism genratd from th telomeres. mutational interference of th signalling between telomeres development & mitochndra development during gestation occurs & distribution concntratns of healthy functioning mitochndra is altered from typical healthy ranges.

perhaps th transcription rate is acutely ncreased, causing ncrease opportunity for mishaps-spontaneous mutations. abnormal-toxi levels & potency of processed sugar/carbs r th most likely culprits tht wud hv th capibility & opportunity to adversly affect mdna & ndna.
terri a..

Posted by: terri a. mccurdy at June 18th, 2016 8:19 AM
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