Vote for SENS Foundation at Chase Community Giving

SENS Foundation manages a program of research, development, and advocacy for rejuvenation biotechnology - building the foundation for therapies that will reverse aging in the old by repairing the cellular and biochemical damage that causes it. At present the Chase Community Giving event at Facebook is winding to a close on the 19th of this month, with $10,000 grants provided to those charities given the most votes by the community. So if you have a Facebook account, take a few moments to head on over to the SENS Foundation page and add your vote. Similar past events have demonstrated that there are more than enough SENS supporters out there to win any charitable popularity measure like this; so vote before the 19th and pass it on to your friends.



@Reason - thanks for posting!

Posted by: VictorVictor5 at September 14th, 2012 9:49 AM

All of these studies are critical to the determination of integrative method to deal with each unique factor involved. Personalized medicine will receive its greatest boost from these studies!

Posted by: Anton Christopher McInerney at September 16th, 2012 11:52 AM
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