Transhumanism en Français
The age of parochial monolinguism is both coming to an end and stretching out into the foreseeable future. The developing technologies of automated translation will soon enough enable nearly all of us to have our cake and eat it too: to be both fluent in only one language yet speak and understand all languages. In the world of online communities the development of seamless translation tools is already lowering barriers, even though this is a field yet in its infancy. Witness the connections between Russian and English language longevity science advocates, for example, and the ability for any of we Westerners to wander into the network of Russian language blogs and read them in English.
On this theme, let me point you to a French article on the core visions of transhumanism in OWNI. As you can see, the translation automation needs work, but the ability to translate on the fly remains an enormous advance over the human limitations of even the very recent past. Not so long ago it required months of study and then a careful reading to gain the gist of a foreign language article - now the process is instant and the cost insignificant:
An era without aging, disease, and even without shyness or anxiety; an era that would increase the capacity of brain information processing, hopelessly human, too human. This is the future predicted by transhumanism, a movement rooted in the belief of a positive evolution of humanity [under] the influence of technology....
Billed as a "disease", death must disappear from the human field and life expectancy tend to infinity. The objective is fundamental, it is located in the top three "to do" transhumanist, says Remy Sussan, journalist [and author of] a book about Utopias posthuman.
Some go even further, seeking not only to bring down the wall of our ultimate condition of finite being, but also to reverse the effects [to develop methods of rejuvenation].
The contents in detail are less important than the existence of such articles, I think. A significant proportion of the world's population does not speak English, or has no great interaction with the English-language body of work on longevity science. To spread more broadly and gain more support, the ideals of engineered human longevity must become common topics of conversation in languages other than English. Technology will greatly accelerate this process, but it is encouraging to see the signs that it is happening anyway.