Reporting on the 2010 Cryonics Symposium in Germany
A report by Ben Best can be found at Depressed Metabolism: "On the first weekend of October, 2010 I was an invited speaker at 'Applied Cryobiology – Scientific Symposium on Cryonics held in Goslar, Germany ... The meeting was the first effort by the German Society for Applied Biostasis (DGAB) to create a milieu for scientific discussion of cryonics-related issues as well as to elevate the scientific status of cryonics and bring more scientists into the field. DGAB hopes to have another such symposium in two years. ... The symposium was originally to be held mainly in German, but there were twice as many attending (about 50) as had been anticipated - and so many were from outside Germany that the organizers decided to have all sessions in English. Although many of the participants had impressive scientific backgrounds, they were overwhelmingly people with a personal interest in cryonics. The organizers struggled to get speakers with scientific credentials, but many of those who would have been otherwise interested and qualified did not want to risk their careers by participation." As is the case for other facets of longevity-related research and development, such as the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, cryonics has a good scientific foundation, but much of the scientific community - especially in cryobiology - reject and shun it for reasons that have nothing to do with science.