Submissions Wanted for the Next Hourglass Carnival

The next Hourglass blog carnival on the biology of aging will be held at Existence is Wonderful on the 14th. Don't forget to send in your blog posts for consideration ahead of time: "Eligible submissions can cover any aspect of longevity science: biogerontology, current and ongoing research into aging, emerging longevity medicine, research into specific conditions, brain aging, cardiovascular aging, etc. Also encouraged are posts discussing socio-cultural, ethical, philosophical, and economic issues surrounding longevity and longevity research. And as a reminder, you don't need to be a biogerontologist to participate - aging affects 100% of us! If you're interested in participating, please email a link to your submission to @ by Monday, October 13, 2008. The Carnival will be posted the following day. I look forward to seeing your posts!"


Comment Submission

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