Mechanisms of Cancer Versus Aging

Researchers continue to uncover the mechanisms underlying the balance between aging and cancer. Many aspects of our biology have evolved to shut down as damage accumulates, suppressing cancer but causing loss of function: "Four genes that suppress tumor formation also regulate the ability of adult stem cells to replace worn-out tissues, as well as the shutdown of stem cells during aging. The genes switch on and off in a coordinated fashion as cells age to reduce the risk of cancer. In the process, they also shut down stem-cell function in aging tissues, reducing their capacity to regenerate. ... The four genes examined in the study were Ink4a, Arf, Hmga2 and let-7b. ... Ink4a, well known for its role as a tumor suppressor, becomes increasingly active with age and shuts down stem-cell replication in older mice. Flicking that genetic switch likely serves as a defense against cancer-causing genetic mutations, which accumulate as cells repeatedly divide. ... Ink4a's activity in mouse neural stem cells is regulated by Hmga2, which in turn is controlled by let-7b. The same relationship is likely at work in humans, who possess the same four genes."


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