All Problems Are a Matter of Atoms
The ultimate goal of medicine is to be able to reliably and precisely manipulate any the molecules in our bodies: all disease, all aging, is a matter of the wrong molecules being in the wrong place at the wrong time. From Accelerating Future: "It's important to realize the obvious: that every human problem, every malady, every concern, every evil, is at root simply a suboptimal arrangement of atoms and molecules. If this sounds quasi-spiritual, it's because it is - for millennia, pre-scientific humans have attributed all ills to various agents - the gods, magicians, and other humans. This is because these ills demand an explanation, and we didn't have a plausible one, so we made it up. Now, at least in the abstract, we have a concrete, very likely correct answer: suboptimal atomic arrangements. This realization is neither trivial nor too broad to be useless. If your problems are caused by the gods (that some people sadly still believe in...), then to solve them, you either need to give up, on engage in rituals [that] have an empirical impact of precisely zero." There is a simple criteria by which to judge whether new technologies will enable better medicine: do they give us the ability to more precisely and easily move atoms around? Modern biotechnology and the molecular manufacturing that will follow are both good examples.