Moscow News on Kriorus
The Moscow News looks at cryonics provider Kriorus, a Russian group that aims to become the Alcor of their country: "established in 2005 with the help of the Russian Transhumanist Movement, the devotees of which believe in the process of humans becoming 'posthumans' - beings capable of waiving aging and death, and forever forgetting of such problems as disabilities and disease. Such a goal is at present obviously unattainable, but one will find that not just transhumanists or immortalists are striving to complete the research on cryonics - the issue of death and prolonging of life is close to all, and the work on cryonics has been in progress for decades. ... The technology of freezing the body available today is considered to be sufficiently developed, and more or less safe; most of the problems associated with freezing living matter - such as ice crystals appearing in cells and thus causing damage - have been solved. However, it is currently impossible to successfully thaw the body or brain without causing some degree of irreparable damage - and even if it were possible, all you'd have would be a corpse ... To make the lifeless body come to life, far more advanced know-how is required. Cryonicists hope not only to reanimate the body [using technologies yet to be developed], but to remove the initial cause of death or any other problems present at the time of death."