Design a Logo For the Methuselah Foundation
The Methuselah Foundation is looking to the community with a contest to design the new Foundation logo:
Can you design a logo for the Methuselah Foundation? Would you like to see your work leading the charge in the fight to defeat age-related degeneration? We are upgrading our websites and outreach material, and as a part of this effort need a distinctive new logo that encapsulates and conveys the meaning of our mission and the essence of the Foundation.The Methuselah Foundation has been built by the dedication of volunteers and donors of all stripes, and so we reach out to the same community in search of a new logo. Think you have good idea and a designer's hand? Fire up the scanner and send in your work!
Entries will be judged by Foundation chair Dr. de Grey with help from graphic design experts. The winner and two runners up will each receive an autographed copy of Dr. de Grey's book "Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Biotechnologies That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime", which is published by St. Martin's Press on September 4, 2007.
The closing date for this contest is August 15th, 2007. ... Best of luck, and tell your friends!
I don't think I can add much to that beyond repeating that it is the community of volunteers, supporters and generous donors who lead the Foundation to success in fundraising, education, research and advocacy. It is a real demonstration of the will to achieve far longer, healthier lives in the world today - and a measure of the potential for growth and greater goals in the years ahead.
Technorati tags: activism, life extension
Is this supposed to be a draft version or should we submit a finished product, that will put directly on to the MF website, etc.?
If you follow the link to the MF blog post, there's a contact email for the contest. They welcome questions: