Video From the 2006 Calorie Restriction Society Conference
Via CRON Diary, I notice that a number of videos from the 4th annual Calorie Restriction Society conference have made their way to Google Video. For those who have a little spare time in what remains of the day, and want a taste of calorie restriction science in 2006, I might suggest the following:
- Steven Austad: How Ubiquitous is the Calorie Restriction Effect?
- Edward Masoro: the role of hormesis in life extension by calorie restriction
- Aubrey de Grey: the unfortunate influence of the weather on the rate of aging
- Luigi Fontana: Calorie and protein restriction, cancer and aging
- Arthur De Vany: Using intermittant stress and diet to alter aging dynamics
- Caleb Finch: The evolution of human longevity and its future: a view in 2006
- Stephen Spindler: Screening for longevity therapeutics using high density microarrays
I've focused on the scientific presentations, but you'll find a range of other multimedia has been uploaded to Google Video, including interviews with calorie restriction practitioners and other conference footage.
Technorati tags: calorie restriction, conference, video
Thanks for the links!
I really *really* wish that the conference content was available somewhere though, not just these snippets. As far as I can tell, they aren't available anywhere (for purchase or otherwise). I think it would really help the distribution of knowledge if the full presentations were uploaded to YouTube instead of just these short snippets... not everyone can go to the CR conference, and this is information that ought to be made available out there.