Common Sense, Not Rocket Science
Some common sense on taking care of your health in the here and now from Forbes: "People who get regular exercise, eat healthfully and avoid tobacco have a lower risk of chronic diseases that lead to premature death, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain cancers. They also have reduced rates of disability, better mental health and cognitive function, and lower health costs. Conversely, individuals who are physically inactive are almost twice as likely to develop heart disease as active people, according to the report. Inactivity is also linked to the development of diabetes and colon cancer, and can result in loss of muscle strength and mass, which can lead to frailty and lethal falls. Yet, approximately one-third of persons age 65 or older have not engaged in any leisure-time physical activity within the past month." We are living through a revolution in medicine and biotechnology - why risk missing out on the healthy life extension medicine of the near future by damaging yourself to an early death?