Reading the Immortalist

The Immortalist is a cryonics-focused community magazine; the latest issue is now online: "Why is so much attention given to the subject of 'immortality' by cryonicists? Why all the philosophical ruminations about the meaning of death and the meaning of living forever? Why all the provisions for money after reanimation in contrast to the sparse attention paid to the real problems of being cryopreserved under good conditions, or ensuring that cryopreservation will be maintained? I think that the chances of failing to be cryopreserved are over a trillion times greater than the chances of living a trillion years. I think that the chances of cryonics not working at all are over a trillion times greater than the chances of living a trillion years. And the chances of being cryopreserved under terrible circumstances (dementia, autopsy, bad ischemic damage) are over a trillion times greater than the chances of living a trillion years."


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