A Look at Calorie Restriction
The Post-Gazette is carrying a nice piece on the practice and science of calorie restriction. The author manages to avoid most of the poor characterizations of CR that crop up in the mainstream media: "New research shows that calorie-restriction diets - which cut calories by as much as 40 percent of your normal intake - may help you live a longer life. ... What is so surprising is that people who follow calorie-restriction diets in hopes of living longer are still eating a lot of food. They indulge in huge breakfasts and big dinners, but eat few or no snacks in between. The main difference in their diets compared with most people typically is in the nutritional quality of food they eat -- whole grains, fruits and vegetables and less animal protein and saturated fat. They avoid refined foods, sugary desserts, soft drinks and other sources of 'empty' calories."