Welcome to the Immortals' Club
The full text of the recent New Scientist subscriber-only article "Welcome to the Immortals' Club" is available over at the Transhumantech Yahoo! Group. It's something of an outsider's view into the healthy life extension community and the debate within gerontology - and hence riddled with minor errors and misconceptions - but still worth reading.
De Grey knows he is outside the mainstream but insists he is on the right track. "Most of my colleagues in gerontology do appreciate that ageing in general is not a good idea, but they're completely convinced that nothing can be done about it in the near term," he says. "They're wrong. If I make it to 110, I reckon I'll have at least a 50:50 chance of making it to 1000 and quite possibly much more."
A pity that since it's a subscriber only article, comparatively few people will actually read it.