A Good Idea, Slowly Spreading
An article on research funding for the study of falls and mobility in the elderly contains a good idea that I'd like to see more of: "Many people believe that unsteadiness is a natural part of aging. But Studenski said it was once thought senility was inevitable, but is now known to not be universal. The center will try to debunk such myths as it promotes independence among the elderly." Moving all age-related degeneration from the "natural, will happen" column into the "problem, we should do something about it" column is an important part of advocacy for healthy life extension. We should not have to accept the indignities of accumulated damage and loss of function - it may be natural, but so were smallpox, anthrax and commonplace chronic childhood illnesses.
Link: http://www.timesonline.com/site/printerFriendly.cfm?brd=2305&dept_id=478663&newsid=14372260