Forthcoming SENS Book: Graphics Volunteers Sought

From Michael Rae, Aubrey de Grey's research assistant:

As some of you know, Aubrey and I have been working for some time on a popular book on SENS science. We are coming up on a publisher deadline, and most of our graphics volunteers have for various reasons bowed out. We really need some folks with the ability to put in some time on at least one (and of course preferably more) illustrations for the book in the next couple of weeks. Projects range from line drawings and graphs to actual illustrations.

Please send email to the Methuselah Foundation if you can make such a volunteer contribution; it would be greatly appreciated, and acknowledged in the book.

Time is of the essence, so step up if you have the talent! I'm looking forward to seeing the final draft; my few behind the scenes glimpses to date have been most promising.

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I bet Ray Kurzweil would be willing to help (perhaps for a lowered cost). The Age of Spiritual Machines had some pretty graphics...

Posted by: Kip Werking at October 3rd, 2006 9:30 PM
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