Articles, Articles
A couple of articles of interest to supporters of healthy life extension are available or forthcoming in print (and hopefully online shortly thereafter). Max More notes:
In case anyone is looking for an excuse to pick up a copy of Larry Flynt's Hustler magazine, note that the March 2006 issue (now available) features my cover article, "How to Live Forever." Flip past the lovely Victoria to p.43 and you'll find it.Have fun.
In addition, the February issue of Life Extension Magazine will feature a Ben Best interview with Aubrey de Grey, covering a range of topics of interest: the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), the MPrize, fundraising and advocacy for healthy life extension science, cryonics and the state of scientific anti-aging research today. Keep an eye out for it.
Lastly, the full text of the New Scientist article on aging and mitochondrial science - the piece that prompted a clarifying response from researcher Rafal Smigrodzki - has found its way to the transhumantech list. Take a look and see what you think - overenthusiasm on the part of the author or not? For more information on the work Smigrodzki is a part of - and its relevance to repairing age-related cellular damage - you might want to look back at the Fight Aging! archives. To my mind this research group certainly deserves the attention they are receiving.
Technorati tags: life extension, science