CCR2 and the Immune System Versus Alzheimer's Disease

One portion of the Alzheimer's research field is focused on immune therapies - training the immune system to attack and break down amyloid beta plagues characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. It is important to note that the buildup of signs of Alzheimer's, such as amyloid beta, occurs in most people to a lesser degree, whether or not they go on to develop the condition, and that the level of this sort of damage is associated with level of mental decline with aging. Here researchers show that this may all have something to do with how effective the immune system is in clearing out unwanted junk from the brain: "Recent work in mice suggested that the immune system is involved in removing beta-amyloid, the main Alzheimer's-causing substance in the brain. Researchers have now shown for the first time that this may apply in humans. [Researchers] screened the expression levels of thousands of genes in blood samples from nearly 700 people. The telltale marker of immune system activity against beta-amyloid, a gene called CCR2, emerged as the top marker associated with memory in people. The team used a common clinical measure called the Mini Mental State Examination to measure memory and other cognitive functions. The previous work in mice showed that augmenting the CCR2-activated part of the immune system in the blood stream resulted in improved memory and functioning in mice susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. ... This is a very exciting result. It may be that CCR2-associated immunity could be strengthened in humans to slow Alzheimer's disease, but much more work will be needed to ensure that this approach is safe and effective."



I wrote this below note during one of the small lapses which curiously allow me to revert to my lost ability to think. I then file such stuff and forget I have done it. I have just come across it and felt it might be worth a read for you over a coffee.

Setting aside the psychiatrist's confirmation of my diagnosed Alzbrain, I was able to absorb the press release on your continuing work, in this morning's Western Morning News and your attention to CCR2 immunity.

Now at 80, I still have just sufficient understanding through the various scientific degrees that were drummed into me so many years ago, to recognise that meaningful statistically based studies cannot be replaced by incidental results. Nonetheless, any information which may have a bearing on the subject being evaluated, might just be of interest. and I take the liberty of bringing a topic to your attention.

My condition has worsened, since being referred for psychiatric help, by my doctor last year, but not before I had started, courtesy of this modern web device, to ferret about for any self-help information that I could locate. Doubtless the prescribed daily Aricept has not hampered my efforts!

I came across the unconfirmed fact that the some inhabitants of the tropics showed a virtually negligible incidence of Alzheimers and that they had a particularly significant amount of coconut in their diet. My reading this, and my childhood liking for this foodstuff was all I needed to stop trying to make any further sense of the matter and start introducing it into my life.

I have done this on a daily basis since then, through the use of coconut milk.
This has been easy since, except for the very strong sweetness of raw sugar or highly acidic stuff - pickled beetroot - I have now no sense of taste, smell or hunger and I have used it with the acidic fruit on.which I tend to exist.

You can see that I can still write a letter although I can only thank the word-processor inventor, for the fact that I can make some effort and despite the unconscionable amount of time it takes,in finding the right keys and making myself understandable. I am just about coping!!!

Please do not waste a nanosecond in replying but if at any time you ever might want to take a direct flyer at the possible benefits of CCR2, I would just like you to know that you would have a willing recipient in
peter charles
Polgoda Farm

Posted by: peter charles at June 25th, 2012 3:06 AM
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