SENS Foundation Academic Initiative Plans Further Expansion in 2013

The SENS Foundation Academic Initiative continues to grow, laying the foundation for the next generation of researchers working on rejuvenation biotechnology: "The Academic Initiative is likely to see another increased budget in 2013. We plan to offer at least as many scholarships and grants as we're offering this year, while we are nearly certain to expand our summer internship program, bringing in more interns overall and sending them to a greater number of labs. This year, some interns have been placed at the SENS Foundation Research Center, while others have gone to the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. We hope to place more interns at each location next year, and to add new locations. The Initiative's budget may not be the only thing that changes with the coming of the new year. SENS Foundation itself is still planning a revamp of its website, and the Academic Initiative won't miss that chance to have its own website enhanced further. Planning for our own next website has begun: long story short, it'll be simpler with less text and will offer very clear and immediate ways for students to get started. Some graphic design work that will go online with that new site is also underway. We'd like to finish by pointing out that we still have enough funding to continue to award materials grants throughout the summer and into the Fall 2012 semester. Since many students have extra time to put a proposal together over the summer, and since we're currently seeing a (likely summer-related) increase in interest in our grants, this is a particularly good time to apply."


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