An Aubrey de Grey Video AMA Gathering Questions at Reddit
One of the many popular and distinct online communities that make up Reddit is IAmA ("I am a"), which runs verified question and answer sessions (AMAs, or "ask me anything") with all sorts of folk in interesting positions, with interesting jobs, or who are just plain interesting. You might consider it the crowdsourced, irreverent, collaborative offspring of chat shows, radio call-in programs, and the last ten years of online bulletin board evolution - this is what the kids do nowadays in place of turning on the TV or radio. In any case, I somehow entirely missed noting that a video AMA for Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Foundation has been running at Reddit to accumulate questions these past few days. Most AMAs are real-time posting sessions, but in this case the most upvoted questions will be passed on to de Grey to be answered in a video which will then be posted back to the community:
Aubrey de Grey is a leading scientist in the field of biomedical gerontology, the quest to develop true medical control of aging.
Dr. de Grey wrote in this week and mentioned that he had been urged on several occasions in the past few months to do an AMA. There was a lot of interest in the possibility that he could do his AMA as a video reply to a selection of representative questions, in the way that Richard Dawkins did some time ago ... We'll take your top ten best questions for Aubrey de Grey and send them to him later this week to be answered on video.
Once you get past the lowest common denominator popular communities - Reddit really doesn't work well unless you create an account and start ruthlessly pruning what you see - Reddit is a fairly pro-longevity, pro-biotechnology, and pro-science community, supportive of the goal of extending the healthy human life span through medical science, and the sooner the better. It has been pleasant to see that emerging ever more readily in the online communities of the past ten years.