Archon Genomics X Prize in the News

The Genomics X Prize has been a while in the building, and has a focus on the genetics of human longevity. It has been in the news of late: "The contest to sequence 100 complete human genomes of people who are over 100 years old in one month for $1,000 or less per genome has started its recruitment process and has pulled in new several new partners to help it develop its sampling, protocols, informatics, and other scientific needs. ... The Archon Genomics X PRIZE [is] an incentivized prize competition that will award $10 million to the first team to rapidly, accurately and economically sequence 100 whole human genomes to a level of accuracy never before achieved. The 100 human genomes to be sequenced in this competition will be donated by 100 centenarians (ages 100 or older) from all over the world, known as the Medco 100 Over 100. Sequencing the genomes of the Medco 100 Over 100 presents an unprecedented opportunity to identify those 'rare genes' that protect against diseases, while giving researchers valuable clues to health and longevity. These centenarians' genes are providing us with a window to the past that will significantly impact the future of healthcare. The result will be the world's first 'medical grade' genome, a critically-needed clinical standard that will transform genomic research into usable medical information to improve patient diagnosis and treatment. This global competition will inspire breakthrough genome sequencing innovations and technologies that will usher in a new era of personalized medicine."


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