Stem Cell Therapy for Neurodegeneration in India

An example of early applications of stem cell research forging ahead outside the US: "While stem cells have been making news around the world for their potential, and are even being tried on patients, Dr N K Venkataramana, neurosurgeon, BGS Global Hospital in Bangalore, has successfully used the therapy on patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, cerebellar degeneration and cerebral palsy. 'I used adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from the bone marrow. They were transplanted into the brain through keyhole surgery. These stem cells multiply and thereby regenerate the damaged areas of the brain. This leads to reactivation of brain cells, resulting in recovery from the disease.' ... He created a state-of-the-art research facility - Advanced Neuro Science Allies - and began his research into the use of stem cell therapy three years ago. 'I picked out authentic mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow using a marker. The stem cells were purified and tried on animals for safety. Subsequently, we used the therapy on patients. ... Initially, the findings are that we are on the course to a complete cure. All the patients treated so far have a marked decrease in the need for medication. Their symptoms have reduced drastically. They have an increased feeling of well-being and it is obvious that they are recovering. However, there are still some factors to be addressed and understood.'



Hi sir ,i need detailed information regarding stem cell therapy in spinomuscular atrophy .. any age limit for this therapy? about the success rate? and the cost factor?and do you do stem cell therapy in spinomuscular atrophy?

Posted by: Dr.Jyothi b sarvi at April 29th, 2012 9:05 PM

Sir, I want to know about stemcell treatment for cerebral atrophy in benglore only. I am 58 years old lady , have developed this disease since last four years, I was able to walk and talk but it is worest now I am not able to talk a word or walk a step without support. So kindly letmeknow what todo? There is no treatment for cerebral atrophy but only stemcell treatment,kindly let me know how for itis successful, kindly educate me so Icahn go for it

Posted by: Adhir Aima at January 4th, 2013 7:19 AM

Dear Sir

This is regarding my 4 yr old daughter. From the beginning she was slow in achieving developmental milestones. In the beginning doctors told me that it is a case of developmental delay. Now she is 4 yr 7 month old, she cannot stand on her own and cannot speak. She can sit without support and do very little activities while sitting such as holding a toy or reaching out for toys etc. Now doctors are of the opinion that she is case of cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorder.She also gets fever induced seizures especially the very first day of fever. I happened to read about stem cell therapy and would like to know the scope for the same in my daughter's case. My wife had delivered a baby boy 3 months back and we have stored the cord blood and tissue, thinking that it would be useful for my daughter. I request for your kind guidance in this regard.

Posted by: Rajesh E P at October 3rd, 2013 4:00 AM

my family is cursed with cerebellar atrophy, please guide me to save my family

Posted by: meena at March 24th, 2014 6:34 AM

I've been suffering from cerebellar Atrophy more than 25 years.

I can not walk.
I can not keep my balance.

with thanks.

Posted by: Milton Chowdhury. at June 26th, 2014 11:58 AM

My son is 10years old he is suffering from cerebral palsy, he cannot speak, stand properly ,continously saliva will be going from mouth by this stem cell thearapy
he could be better please send the message

Posted by: Mrs.Komala at November 21st, 2014 6:58 AM

hello sir
My husband is suffering from cerebellar ataxia, having problem in maintaining balance,sometimes titubation( head tremor), difficulty in speech. he is taking regular physiotherapy and is better with exercise. Can cerebellar degeneration stop or improved by stem cell therapy .
please give me guidance
thank you

Posted by: Sonu shah at November 22nd, 2014 6:52 AM

Hello Sir
I am suffering from cerebral atrophy I have difficulty in speaking I am also trying medicines and speech therapy but it not showing very good results. Because of this my social and Personal life is in trouble, what type of therapy or stem cell therapy can reduce this problem?

Thank you

Posted by: Rupesh Jaiswal at December 13th, 2014 12:05 AM

hello sir my father is suffering from cerebral atrophy. I have seen a few youtube videos showing atrophy patients recovering using cerebral atrophy. Is it really possible?

Posted by: sunny at January 5th, 2015 4:38 AM

My daughter is suffering from cerebellar atrophy. Is it possible to treat her with this therapy?

Posted by: azeem arshad at March 6th, 2015 4:20 AM

Sir. My son is sufffering from celebral palsy..can stem cell therapy help him..seens it is not fda approved how safe it is to get it done

Posted by: rishikesh at March 13th, 2015 3:34 AM

Dear sir, My daughter who is 2 year & 3 month old suffering from attrophy in some portion of her Cerebrum & Cerebellum can be treated through stem cell. She remains normal till one year of age at this time she can walk with walker or any assistance, crawl easily, speeks ma, pa, da, etc. but now she cann't stand, could not sit without sport, cann't hold her body. While the MRI done in july 14 & MRI done in sep 14 showing that the growth of attrophy is too much but from sep 14 to feb 15, (as per MRI & MRS ) the attrophy remains same as sep 14. While all other medical reports are totally normal.
Kindly advise............

Posted by: SUKHDEV PRASAD KESTWAL at March 14th, 2015 12:29 AM


I am keen to know the scope of stem cell therapy on a Parkinson patient who is aged 37 and has this problem since last five years.

Posted by: V K Dilawari at April 16th, 2015 2:43 AM

my age 51 year i have cerebral attrophy doing bank job what is the solution my problem is balance and speeching

Posted by: ashok kumar verma at June 12th, 2015 12:15 AM

my age 51 year i have cerebral attrophy doing bank job what is the solution my problem is balance and speeching

Posted by: ashok kumar verma at July 6th, 2015 10:55 PM

Dear sir/Madam,
I m 30 Year/male, suffering from Parkinson disease from Last 3 Years(2013),
Frist i devlop rigidty In 2012 which more on back of chest & Has flexed posture.( My friends told me) Which i did not notice much at that time & My hand writing got wrosed. My friends told me that i have pill rolling tremor in my right hand which never noticed before.At that time my mood is always off for no reason( Due to negative thoughts) and i had diffculty in penis erection . After 1 year Of that i devolped gait distrubance( Diffculty to start movement due to marked rigidity at the calf muscle and back of thigh of right leg only) and marked slowness in movement & performing any work, which is truobling me much.I had diffculty in maintaining blance too. I have feeling that my right leg & Hand is weak than left one. I have diffculty in doing fine work bcoz right hand is not working smoothly as previously(poor cordination in right & left & Diffculty in performing reptative work). One suprising thing that i dont have tremors. I have consulted neuro physician. He had advice me MRI of brain & spine which is perfectly normal. He started Tab syndopa plus(levodopa 100 Mg + Carbidopa 25 Mg) BD. After takingĀ  this drug symptoms got reverted instantosly(means rigidity & Bradykanisa abolish inastaneously) Soon i develop myoclonus in right leg seizure For which i havn't taken any med for this it subsides spontaneously by taking syndopa plus.

From last 3 Years me taking syndopa plus but now it seems dose of this drug is going to increase(from BD To TDS)
sir it seems that my right side of limb is more affect that then left one. Futher rigidty and associated pain decreases temporarily after cigrate somking.Now my sleep is very much distrubed.

I have tried hemopathy & accupressure It partially help to improve my symptoms but cannot decrease dose of drug

I want to know role of stem cell in my disaese & Which one will b better( Bone morrow or adipose tissue or cord blood) & Mode of admistration( intra venous or intra thecal or intra nasal or directly in brain)

i want to get rid off this drug as it is very toxic So cannot b taken long time. Futher it seem sometime it wont work also.

my life is very much comprosied.
kindly help me out to get through this problem.
Thanking you.

Posted by: Alok Pathak at November 4th, 2015 9:00 AM

i have 4 years old daughter and having mitochondrial degenerative brain disease. I happened to read about stem cell therapy and would like to know the scope for the same in my daughter's case.

Posted by: dharmendra dwivedi at November 30th, 2015 11:42 AM

Dear Sir ,

My uncle is diagnosed with Cerebellum degeneration ,He is leaning to left side while walking and has slurring of speech .

While standing from sitting position , he needs supports .

Pls provide the detail regarding the stem cell therapy .Its sucess rate , total cost .


Posted by: Ranjan Karmakar at December 26th, 2015 5:32 AM

sir my sister is suffering from cerebellar atrophy plz help us...

Posted by: ritannshi at March 21st, 2016 3:57 AM

I am suffering from Cerebellar atrophy for the last 6 years. It is progressing. I underwent Stem ell treatment already. But the results were not there I underwent in Plexus Neuro Centre. I want to understand the success rate of this treatment with you. How KEY HOLE SURGERY IS DONE? How is your treatment different from them? How much will be the expenses and Time limit>

Pl do reply

Posted by: Padmanaban at March 30th, 2016 4:52 AM

hello sir i am 30 years old, i was suffering in cerebellar atrophy,now i was ayurvedic treatment, but no result. please another solution tell me sir.......

Posted by: manikandan at April 6th, 2016 8:53 AM

Hello sir
My name is mohammad nazim my age is 43 . I am suffring cerebler atrophy last 23 year . If any treatment of this plz tell me & how many chance to recovry . Plz help mo sir .

Posted by: Mohammad Nazim at May 28th, 2016 1:50 AM

Hi si, I have a niece to the age of 8 years old girl who was about 11 months ago imbalance walk through several tests and MRI It was found that patients with atrophy cerebellar a few fish that can not walk and can not speak, and many times also is convulsing. Please help me to save her If it is possible to treat her wit steam cell.

Posted by: rasul at July 20th, 2016 2:33 AM

What's the process and cost of stem cell therapy for brain atrophy patient with epilepsy and recurrent maningioencephalitis. what are the pros and cons?

Posted by: Ali at March 29th, 2018 7:22 AM

I was diagnosed SCA2 in 2012. Since there were no visible symptoms,I did not bother. My age now is about 70 years.Now I am finding balance problem when walking,memory is less.

Posted by: Govind Saran at August 5th, 2018 7:17 AM

My son is suffering from mild diffuse cerebral atrophy and his head circumference was 43 cm during 1 year 4 months and now he is 2 years five month old and his head circumference is 45 cm . He can walk , talks with sign , says dada,
Can there any treatment for him

Posted by: Sumit Kumar at January 26th, 2021 8:22 PM

Dear Sir
My daughter is 11 years old and she is suffering by cerebral Atrophy. We are from Pakistan. Is that possible to get treatment from you.

Posted by: Shahid at January 27th, 2021 3:24 AM
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