For Those Who Wanted to Know More About Genescient

I notice that Genescient's newly relaunched website is up and running, and provides much more information as to what the company is up to: "Our focus is to extend healthy human lifespan by using advanced genomics to develop therapeutic substances that attack the diseases of aging. We are the first company founded to exploit artificial selection of animal models for longevity. Our extremely long-lived animal models (Drosophila melanogaster) have been developed over 700 generations. They are an ideal system for the study of aging and age-related disease because Drosophila metabolic genetic pathways that are highly conserved in humans. Our sophisticated analysis cross-links gene function in Drosophila with their human orthologs, thus revealing the targets for therapeutic substance development. To date we have discovered over 100 of these genomic targets, all related to the primary diseases of aging. This large library of targets, enables Genescient to effectively select and test therapeutic drug candidates. To date, Genescient's 'proof-of-concept' testing program has yielded a number of very promising therapeutic substances."


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