Update on the Longevity Science Amex Members Project
From the Methuselah Foundation blog: "I'm pleased to say that the pro-longevity science community rallied to vote the Amex Members Project submission "Undergrads Fighting Age Related Disease" into the top 25 projects by vote totals - and made it the most discussed project of all. Thank you! That discussion is still ongoing, by the way, and people unfamiliar with longevity research have questions about the project. Feel free to jump in and help answer them. What comes next? Well, between now and September 9th - less than a week away - the Members Project advisory panel will look at the projects, votes, and discussions, and announce the final 25. Those 25 projects will be voted on by Amex card holders to determine which 5 will be funded. ... So, all you generous folk who rounded up your friends and spread the word: we're going to do it all again for those with American Express cards starting on the 9th. We here at the Methuselah Foundation are looking forward to it!"
Link: http://blog.methuselahfoundation.org/2008/09/an_update_on_your_votes_and_un.html