Year End Fundraisers For Rejuvenation Research at SENS Research Foundation and LEV Foundation
When it comes to treating aging as a medical condition, it is important to fund the right sort of research program. All too much of the field of translational aging research is focused on finding ways to produce small benefits, such as via the use of repurposed existing supplements. This may produce gains for investors, but it won't meaningfully change the present shape of a human life. We need to do better than that. Fortunately, there are a small number of non-profit organizations and academic groups focused on development of the means of rejuvenation, rather than on means of modestly slowing aging. Two of the best are the SENS Research Foundation and LEV Foundation, both informed by the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), a list of important contributing causes of aging, the cell and tissue damage that causes dysfunction, alongside proposed forms of therapy to repair that damage.
Both of these non-profit organizations are presently running year end fundraisers to support their ongoing research programs, covering important areas of aging and rejuvenation that are not receiving sufficient attention elsewhere in the research community, or that are slowed by challenges in the fundamental science, or that are neglected by researchers due to a lack of tooling or a foundation to proceed. I consider both the SENS Research Foundation and LEV Foundation to be worthy recipients for your charitable donations. If you want to see a future in which aging has become a treatable medical condition, then take action! Do something to help the groups that are trying to make that future a reality! Funding makes the world turn; progress in building the foundations for rejuvenation therapies depends upon those funds.
SENS Research Foundation: Welcome to our 2023 End of Year Campaign
SENS Research Foundation (SRF) has spent the past year diligently employing your generous contributions towards accelerating the development of therapies to prevent, treat, and cure the diseases of aging. Just this year we've spoken at longevity conferences, highlighted our work with US policy makers and global leaders in health, submitted patents and publications on our research, educated dozens of students, supported translational therapies in their journey to market, and so much more. This End of Year Campaign focuses on SRF and the relationships we have built over the last couple years. These collaborations grow the effectiveness of our community and industry, extending our reach and deepening our impact to target directly the diseases and disabilities of aging. Every week we highlight a new organization and the real-world impact they are making to turn our mission into reality.
LEV Foundation: 2023 End-of-Year Fundraiser
LEV Foundation's story has just begun. In 2024, with your support, we're planning to: (a) Initiate the second study in the Robust Mouse Rejuvenation program. Building on the success of the ongoing first experiment, RMR-2 will shed light on the interactions between a new panel of therapies. (b) Bring the Dublin Longevity Declaration's message of hope to a global audience, through a major media campaign including translations into most widely-spoken languages. We'll recruit more renowned signatories - and even more importantly, build on the foundation the Declaration has provided to engage with policymakers and leaders around the world, seeking concrete action on its fundamental recommendation: to immediately expand research on extending healthy human lifespans. (c) Organize and support the next Longevity Summit Dublin, scheduled to take place on June 13-16, 2024. Speakers will be announced over the coming months, but we're already very confident that the third edition of the Summit will be just as unmissable as the first two events. (d) Continue enabling our partners at the Healthspan Action Coalition, Alliance for Longevity Initiatives (A4LI), and AfroLongevity, to build stronger connections with established public- and private-sector organizations, enhancing awareness of the potential of longevity research amongst those who set priorities for healthcare and research funding at all levels. A4LI's goals for the coming year include establishing an annual legislative briefing for longevity science in the US House of Representatives, and promoting passage of the Advanced Approval Pathway for Longevity Medicines.