Not Sure What To Make of This One
I am unable to tell whether this Huffington Post op-ed on biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey and the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) is pure snark or not. The author clearly grasps the idea and the scientific backing of SENS, yet omits any mention of de Grey's role in editing a high impact factor scientific journal, organizing a respected conference series attended by the best and brightest of biotechnology and medical research, and pushing forward ongoing research into developing the nuts and bolts of SENS technology. I can't help but feel that if the topic to hand was anything other than the plausible case for a path to radical life extension through biotechnology, this would not be the case - none so blind, and all that. See what you think, and I will content myself with noting that there truly is no such thing as bad publicity for facts, truths and success in the making. As SENS is brought to the attention of more people, more people will decide that it's the better way forward for longevity science.