Methuselah Foundation Science Team Expands
As the Methuselah Foundation continues to raise funds for the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) research, more young turks will be joining the science group: "Ben Zealley is the newest member of the Methuselah Foundation's scientific team, having joined this summer after completing his degree at Cambridge. He will be working with Dr. de Grey and Michael Rae to expand SENS and develop potential avenues of research. ... I have been interested in the human aging process - and Dr. de Grey's approach to it - for many years, so I'm very much looking forward to being able to work full-time on SENS at last. I'm particularly interested in therapies with rapidly-visible or immediate benefits, since these will be instrumental in swaying public opinion towards the concept of aging as a disease open to effective treatment. Once that's been achieved, the battle will be halfway won!" Funding, time and a group of enthusiastic biomedical researchers will get you a long way - it's good to see SENS ever more on the move.