Christine Peterson on Healthy Life Extension
Via Nanodot, a collection of audio recordings of Christine Peterson from the Foresight Nanotech Institute talking on healthy life extension: "One of the Foresight Nanotech Challenges is 'Improving health and longevity'. But to take advantage of these expected advances, we all need to stick around long enough for them to arrive. Here at Foresight we'd like all Nanodot readers to do that, so here are the URLs for audio recordings of my Penguicon talk on current techniques in life extension, sent by Matt Arnold who set up the programming for that meeting." As I've long noted, there is considerable overlap between the go-getters of the healthy life extension community and active folk involved in work and advocacy on advanced nanotechnology (or molecular manufacturing) and the development of general artificial intelligence. It takes the same sort of appreciation for the way in which the world works to see the plausible futures for each of these threads of advancing technology. They will enable very desirable outcomes - so it's not surprising to see people advocating all three paths.