Alzheimer's, Gamma-Secretase and Tau

I should point your attention to another good NYAS presentation summary from recent days: "No consensus emerged on the single best way to tackle Alzheimer's disease. But in a symposium such as this, designed to stimulate discussion and debate, that's probably a good sign: the diversity of opinions and approaches indicates that neurodegenerative disease research is a vibrant and healthy field. Looking toward the near future for new therapies, [gamma-secretase] modulators are probably furthest ahead; some candidates are well into clinical trials. Amyloid immunotherapy - inducing the brain to attack aggregated pathogenic [amyoid-beta] species - is potentially effective, but the first subjects treated with this approach showed serious side effects. Drugs that work upon synaptic transmission also show promise. The wide range of approaches and ideas is encouraging. While the gradual progress of Alzheimer's disease may be painful to watch, its slow time course has a silver lining: the promise of interrupting the disease before it's too late."


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