On Sepsis and VEGF
An overview of recent research into sepsis and its role in age-related mortality, via Senior Journal: "Vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, was initially identified as a potent stimulator of endothelial permeability, causing 'leakiness' in the endothelial cells that line the body's blood vessels. ... [VEGF] thus serves as a key mechanism behind the onset and perpetuation of [sepsis]. ... [researchers] treated animals with protein inhibitors of VEGF or neutralizing antibodies against VEGF receptors, and demonstrated significant protection against morbidity (as measured by cardiac dysfunction, inflammation, coagulation and permeability) and mortality." Sepsis is an end-stage failure due to age-related damage; we must invest more in ways to ensure that no-one accumulates that level of cellular damage in the first place. Plugging holes in the failing dam is not a viable path forward to healthy life extension.
Link: http://www.seniorjournal.com/NEWS/Health/6-05-19-NewSepsisTreatment.htm