Chronogen, Oxidative Stress

Chronogen is moving forward with development of a drug to suppress oxidative stress, a cause of cellular damage and death in numerous age-related diseases (but not the root cause of the conditions, it must be noted). "CHGN111 is an inhibitor of the mitochondrial enzyme CLK-1 ... Numerous parameters of mitochondrial function are altered when the activity of CLK-1 is reduced, which results in a decrease of [reactive oxygen species] at critical cellular sites, as well as in a decrease of systemic oxidative stress. ... Compared to free radical scavengers or other detoxifying agents they directly modulate reactive oxygen species production and detoxification at an early stage to prevent damage and stop disease initiation as well as progression." This is fairly slow, standard old school drug development - and the press release is for an early stage of that inch by inch process. To me, the most interesting part of it all is that Chronogen feels the need to clearly disclaim any interest in preventing aging on their home page.


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