Bona Fide Dopamine Neurons

Via EurekAlert news of a good step forward for the future of regenerative medicine: researchers have "discovered a 'master determinant' that turns embryonic stem cells into bona fide dopamine neurons, brain cells that degenerate in those with Parkinson's disease. The findings hold promise for the future of cell replacement therapy for the debilitating and incurable disease ... The results also underscore the general importance of a thorough understanding of development for producing authentic cells of a desired type from stem cells. ... We spent a lot of effort and are now confident that these are authentic dopamine neurons. If we want to treat Parkinson's patients with stem cells, it will only work if we are able to generate authentic dopamine cells. In the use of stem cells for therapy, it is of utmost importance to make the correct cell type. In the brain, there are at least 1000 different types of neurons, only one of which is clinically relevant to Parkinson's disease."


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