The Methuselah Foundation Invites Us All To Aging 2008 At UCLA

Publicity and volunteer work is gearing up for Aging 2008 at UCLA in late June. The event is a combination of free public symposium and scientific conference on developing the means to repair the cellular and molecular damage of aging. The symposium is one in a series of planned events to raise awareness and educate the public as to the real potential of longevity science:

On Friday June 27th, leading scientists and thinkers in stem cell research and regenerative medicine will gather in Los Angeles at UCLA for Aging 2008 to explain how their work can combat human aging, and the sociological implications of developing rejuvenation therapies.


  • Dr. Bruce Ames, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UC Berkeley
  • G. Steven Burrill, Chairman of Pharmasset and Chairman of Campaign for Medical Research
  • Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Chairman and CSO of Methuselah Foundation and author of Ending Aging
  • Dr. William Haseltine, Chairman of Haseltine Global Health
  • Daniel Perry, Executive Director of Alliance for Aging Research
  • Bernard Siegel, Executive Director of Genetics Policy Institute
  • Dr. Gregory Stock, Director of Program on Medicine, Technology & Society at UCLA School of Medicine
  • Dr. Michael West, CEO of BioTime and Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering at UC Berkeley


The speakers at Aging 2008 will argue that the near-term consequences of intense research into regenerative medicine could be the development of therapies that extend healthy human life by decades, even if the therapies are applied in middle age. Peter Thiel, president of Clarium Capital, initial investor in Facebook, and lead sponsor of Aging 2008, said, "The time has come to challenge the inevitability of aging. This forum will provide an excellent opportunity to look at the scientiļ¬c barriers that must be overcome to substantially extend healthy human life, as well as the ethical implications of doing so."

We're all invited, so make your plans accordingly:


The Methuselah Foundation
invites you to attend the FREE symposium:

AGING. The disease | The cure | The implications
June 27, 2008  -  UCLA, Royce Hall 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA
FREE Registration Required - Click to Attend

Regenerative medicine may eventually deliver the genuine defeat of aging.

How do you and your loved ones stand to benefit from the coming biomedical revolution? Are you prepared? Is society prepared?

At Aging 2008 you will engage with top scientists and advocates as they present their findings and advice, and learn what you can do to help accelerate progress toward a cure for the disease and suffering of aging.

To learn more, see our press release.

Aging 2008 also serves as the opening session for the technically focused Understanding Aging Conference (learn more), running June 28th-29th at UCLA.

The Methuselah Foundation is looking for additional volunteers to help make this event a resounding success:

We need your help to prepare for and publicize these events - especially the June 27th symposium, when we have to fill Royce Hall with 1,800 people. Here's how you can immediately help to publicize this event:

1) Blog about Aging 2008; if you do, let us know and we'll add you to the Aging 2008 Blogroll

2) Put up a banner or button, and send banners/buttons to others:

3) Send the May 18th press release to your network and media contacts:

4) Promote through social networks, Twitter, and mailing lists

5) Put up/hand out flyers and postcards at colleges, bookstores, etc. in L.A. and surrounding regions:

6) Help us get pre-event coverage: online, print, radio, and TV

7) Share Aubrey's videos (TEDTalk, Colbert Report, etc.) by putting them on your blog or sending them to friends:

There's something for everyone - invite any friends that can help volunteer too! We need to tell the world that the aging process is an approachable challenge with the technologies we have at hand. Regenerative medicine is still in its infancy, and we can work to make the defeat of aging a key goal for this emerging field.

Those of you with connections to Facebook's UCLA network could do a lot of good here.
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