Kevin Dewalt's End Aging YouTube Challenge

Videoblogging, much like those newfangled social networks, is passing me by - but online video has proven to be a tremendously effective tool for reaching people, and more power to those who are making it work:

My End Aging Challenge is simple: Create and post a reply to this video on YouTube explaining why you support Dr. Aubrey de Grey's and the Methuselah Foundation's mission to end aging. I will donate $10 to the Methuselah Foundation for every video response. If you have the means, I also suggest that you offer in your video response to match me with a donation of your own for every video. After you shoot your video, follow this link to post your video reply.

Good show. If you want something done, no matter how daunting or large the task, the best way to go about it is to get out there and help make it happen. Put your shoulder to the wheel and lead by example. It matters not the size and weight of that wheel, as many hands make light work. It matters greatly that you show that the job exists, and that someone is willing to work at getting it done. Where is one willing worker exists, there will soon be more.

And so there are: see the responses to date over at YouTube. I encourage all of you with the inclination to create your own video messages to get out there and show your support. More from Kevin Dewalt here:

For those of you thinking about replying with a video I encourage you to have some fun and get creative with it. Why do you want to cure aging and live a few hundred more years? Do you want to visit the moon? Bring about world peace? Start a new career? Or perhaps you don’t care at all about yourself and just want to help relieve the suffering of others.

It is of a sea of many modest efforts that great storms arise. Want to change the world? Want a better, longer, healthier future? Then do something to help make it happen.

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