Video From the Edmonton Aging Symposium
A couple of the presentations from the Edmonton Aging Symposium have already found their way to Google Video:
- Ronald Bailey on the economics of radical life extension
- Gregory Stock vs Daniel Callahan on the ethics of healthy life extension, moderated by Aubrey de Grey
- Aubrey de Grey's presentation; repairing the damage that causes aging
The Stock-Callahan debate attracted some attention from the media already - now you can see what you think of the source material. I've always found it curious that talking about the merits and reasons for action garners more notice and spilled ink from the mainstream media than actual plans for action, never mind the action itself. People will talk themselves blue before writing a blueprint or raising a finger, and seem to find that talk more interesting than the end result, but I'm sure you're all familiar with that aspect of human nature.
Much more video will be forthcoming in the days ahead as it is approved by the presenters.
Technorati tags: aging, conference, life extension, video