Sarcopenia as an Inflammatory Condition, Driven in Part by Cellular Senescence

Sarcopenia is the name given to the characteristic loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with age, though insofar as the slow progress towards an official clinical definition is concerned, this only counts in the more advanced stages. We could do with less of that sort of thinking in medicine and research, as all age-related declines are a problem, and the earlier they can be addressed, the better. If a therapy addresses the root causes of an age-related condition, then it should be just as usefully applied every so often starting at 40, as a preventative treatment, as it would be starting at 70, in order to turn back much larger amounts of damage. Sarcopenia is a great example of the way in which … Continue reading Sarcopenia as an Inflammatory Condition, Driven in Part by Cellular Senescence