Announcing the Immortality Institute Folding@Home Prize

I'm pleased to note that the Immortality Institute folk will be offering incentive prizes to participants in the Longevity Meme Folding@Home team on a quarterly basis going forward:

The Longevity Meme has teamed up with the Immortality Institute to offer a quarterly prize to people who contribute to the Stanford Folding@home distributing computing project - aimed at curing disease through understanding the basics of protein folding.


Winners will be determined by how many points are accumulated over the course of three months as reported at the Stanford Folding@home statistics site. The first quarter of competition begins at 12:00 a.m. Eastern daylight time (U.S.) April 2nd and ends at 12:00 midnight, Eastern daylight time, on June 30th.

The Longevity Meme team has grown and performed very well in the years since its formation. It takes organization and active recruitment to break into the top 200 ranked teams; many of the Immortality Institute regulars have stepped up to provide that organization. Thank you all for helping to make the team a continuing success.

Futures are built, one brick at a time, on the self-organizing collaboration of many interested people. Those collaborative communities are built of many, many overlapping modest goals and projects, just like this one. I hope you'll consider joining in, contributing to the Folding@Home project, and through this effort, learning more about the greater goals of longevity science, curing age-related disease, and ultimately repairing the damage of aging.

Head on over to the Immortality Institute to learn how to register for the prize program or discuss Folding@Home in the team thread.

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