Assuring a Future for the SENS Research Foundation

The SENS Research Foundation will be seven years old this year. It is one of the very few organizations to aggressively pursue a campaign of research and advocacy aimed at bringing an end to aging and age-related disease, and one of perhaps only two or three at most that focus on rejuvenation research, an approach to the treatment of aging based on repair of the known forms of cell and tissue damage that cause aging. The SENS rejuvenation research project has been very successful over the course of its lifespan to date, moving from nothing more than a vision in the early 2000s to today's network of allied researchers, research programs, new startups, and the first prototype implementations of SENS therapies such as those under development for senescent cell clearance. Over that time the research community has been swayed from its former hostility to any mention of treating aging to much greater support for the goal of enhanced human longevity. To be clear, however, this is still a tiny field. There is a long way to go to produce a SENS research community as large and well supported as the cancer or stem cell research communities.

If you look back a couple of years here at Fight Aging!, you'll find a post on the strategic future of the SENS Research Foundation. The SENS Research Foundation is producing results, persuading researchers, and generating the foundations of new medical technology, and we want to see this successful team continue to achieve its goals. That, however, requires funding. To summarize the older post: half of the $4-5 million yearly budget of the SENS Research Foundation is provided by founder Aubrey de Grey, and those funds come to an end relatively soon. We all owe him a debt of gratitude for what he has achieved in this field with his own money. This is the nature of research and business; every success in finding a source of funding must be treated as a runway and a countdown to the next source of funding.

There are many ways to go from here, and the next decade looks to be a time of great opportunity in funding for longevity science of all sorts, given the large investments that are starting to arrive in the space. Even if, as seems plausible given the recent market activity, we're about to plunge into a couple of years of a bear market, that doesn't dampen the prospects all that much. Given the time taken for any meaningful research effort, the start of a bear market is actually a great time to invest in a research program; it'll just be getting somewhere when the economic picture turns around.


Crowdfunding of scientific research is something that we as a community do quite well. It is a hard problem, and crowdfunding ventures like Experiment are only just starting to make inroads into sustainable platforms. The past few years have seen a slow growth in the community of supporters willing to materially support the SENS Research Foundation every year. So far, as much as a few hundred thousand dollars each year have been raised this way, and I don't see why that number can't keep growing as the public support for longevity science grows.

Investment in SENS Rejuvenation Therapy Startups

Selective, targeted investment worked out very well for the Methuselah Foundation. The Foundation wes an early investor in Organovo a long time back, and that provided a healthy return in the years since. The important thing is to invest in those companies that can also be incubated and supported, so as to provide the best chance of success. The SENS Research Foundation is very well placed to do this. It is in the center of a web of connections to researchers and the Bay Area venture community, and also a source of technologies for new therapies, such as senescent cell and cross-link clearance. The transition from funding a scientific group to seed funding the startup that results from that work is a logical one, and indeed the SENS Research Foundation is already doing this for Oisin Biotechnology and Human Rejuvenation Technologies.

An early stage startup investment is a lottery ticket, of course, even when the investor happens to be well placed to help its progress, but at least it is a lottery ticket that has the side-effect of funding additional research and development regardless of the outcome. Perhaps more important than the risk inherent in any such investment is the timeline: one should expect a biotechnology startup to take five years or longer to come to initial fruition even should it succeed as well as Organovo did. The SENS Research Foundation investments were made last year, so there is a way to go yet.

Deeper Integration with the Non-Profit Funding Ecosystem

A massive non-profit funding ecosystem exists, just as rife with formalism, barriers, and the need for connections as the venture capital ecosystem. There are many different players involved, ranging from high net worth individuals to large foundations to government bodies. Any demonstrably successful non-profit with a yearly budget of only a few million dollars has a lot of room for growth in this space. The folk at the SENS Research Foundation agree, and are looking for a guide:

Job Opportunity: Head of Major Gifts

SENS Research Foundation (SRF) is a 501(c)(3) public charity that is undertaking one of the most ambitious goals in history: ending the human suffering resulting from age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Our goal is to apply the principles of regenerative medicine to build a rejuvenation biotechnology industry; what makes us unique is that rather than developing more sophisticated ways to treat disease, we are developing more sophisticated ways to preserve health, and thereby prevent such diseases from ever taking hold.

Since our founding in 2009 we've grown into a significant force for change in medical research. SRF's current annual funding - over $4M - comes roughly one-half from renewable sources and one-half from a multi-year trust which will expire next year. The challenge we now face is to build quickly upon our successes, and to be able to create our truly transformational next generation of research, education and outreach programs without losing momentum. The role of the Head of Major Gifts will be to raise at least $2M/annum in new funding, and to guide us in developing new channels sufficient to create sustainable income of $5-10M/annum, from high net worth individual, foundation, corporate and government sources.

This is a great opportunity for someone coming from a large non-profit, with a packed rolodex and knowledge of the way things work. It represents the option to carve out a name in this space, to become a well-know leader in an organization that is out to change the world for real. There is no greater impact to human life than to speed progress towards the medical control of aging and all age-related disease. It is the largest cause of death and suffering by a wide margin, and every day gained is a hundred thousand lives saved.


So unless someone goes out and raises 2 million dollars next year funding will be cut in half? Yikes.

Posted by: Jim at January 15th, 2016 7:55 PM

Hopefully things work out. You would think with some of the successes they've had that it would pique the interest of more investors.

Posted by: Ham at January 16th, 2016 5:31 AM

I don't understand why rich people, like Zuckerberg, Gates, Ellison, Bezos etc. are not willing to give hundred million or so.

I have seen an interview with Bill Gates where he has said he would give away all his money to become 25 years older. Same with Larry Elison, when he got questions about his donations on age related research, he hinted at him being old.

I know Peter Thiel has given money, but why not more billionaires?

What's the point of having all that money, if you are going to die anyway? And it will not only save their own life, It will save others as well, including their families.

Posted by: Peter at January 16th, 2016 5:59 AM

@Peter - I think rich people don't give their money to life extension research primarily because they have an army of people vying for their attention already. Reason summed up some of this in a great previous essay:

Dear Wealthy Individual, I Have This Great Idea Regarding How to Spend Your Money in a Better Way Than You Seem to Be Managing To Date

With Peter Thiel, who is thinking about life extension research, I think uncertainty is the problem. Even development of new drugs based on treatments proven in animal models is a real lottery. And you'd need everything to go swimmingly in the short term to develop all the SENS panel of therapies. For an example look at how many times gene therapy has had to rise from the ashes only to fall again, for example:

And this is with a technology that has been in development since the early 1980s.

So I think Peter Thiel's strategy of cautious small early donations is pretty rational (although frustrating for supporters of life extension research).

Posted by: Jim at January 16th, 2016 7:23 AM

@Peter: Larry Ellison did fund a great deal of aging research via the Ellison Medical Foundation. Unfortunately results in human longevity were not his real goal, but rather providing support for interesting molecular biology, a career he might have entered in a different world. Without that motivation for results in terms of years added, he followed the wrong advice, his foundation became in effect an addendum to the NIA, following the same general strategy as the NIA, and so that funding achieved very little of worth.

Which is too bad. If he did it over today, the odds of useful outcomes resulting from funding are much greater, simply because more researchers are willing to reach for the goal of human longevity and the defeat of aging.

Posted by: Reason at January 16th, 2016 7:31 AM

I know Aubrey has mentioned that Bezos has been interested or supportive of SENS (I think he mentioned this in one of his AMA's), but also mentioned that he hasn't given them a penny. I'm sure Larry Ellison's interest in longevity hasn't really gone anywhere, so it's kind of surprising that he hasn't given anything. Unless maybe he hasn't been asked directly? Either way, it is hard to tell other people how to spend their money, and how much of it they should spend, if they decide to do so. It is disheartening for advocates. This is also the reason I have high (likely misplaced) hopes for Calico, as funding would likely never be an issue, especially if they were on to something good.

Posted by: Ham at January 16th, 2016 8:58 AM

It seems some of these ultra wealthy people have a profound lack of vision. Or they become so jaded by fast talkers they don't believe anything anymore.

Posted by: bmack500 at January 17th, 2016 12:27 PM


I think Jim and reason are right on this one, that wealthy individuals have hordes of people asking for donating all the time. There are lots of people who claim to have the cure for aging, cancer, some other disease. If I knew someone who worked at SENS I would suggest that they reevaluate their financial strategy.

With their limited budget my suggestion would be that they consider focusing on one damage removal therapy and bring it to fruition. Everyone knows removing one type of damage isn't going to give us immortality but what it can bring is lots of money. Either through partnering with one of the big pharmaceutical companies to bring it to market, selling it to them, or selling it wealthy individuals outside the US similar to Bioviva. SENS could make more than enough money to accelerate all the other types of damage removal therapies.

Wealthy people are pragmatic if you have a proven antiaging therapy that extends their working lifespan 15 years and they make 100,000 to a million dollars a year that therapy would increase their lifetime income by 1.5 million to 15 million dollars. If that therapy costs $500,000 then that would be an astonishingly high return on investment. What person in their right mind wouldn't do it. Obviously no therapy is 100% proven to work and there will always be skeptics and people who don't want to extend their lifespan but you get the point. Offer them something that allows them to make even more money and you will have the ear of almost every wealthy person.

Posted by: Santi at January 18th, 2016 2:15 AM

That is a recurring topic, Santi, the answer being that addressing only one category of damage will not have much effect, if any, on your lifespan.

Posted by: Antonio at January 18th, 2016 3:14 AM

Santi, there are wealthy people who made their fortune by betting - typically in the financial sector. And the goal of many wealthy people is to perpetuate their fortune ; which is why there are many high profile fraudsters or "optimisers".

Yet they are no longer willing to bet when their own life (which is key to enjoying and perpetuating their fortune) is at stake ? That's a deep lack of vision, and actually, a grave miscalculation.

Posted by: Nico at January 18th, 2016 6:59 AM

I've said it before on here but i find it incredibly odd that Elon Musk hasn't made any donations toward longevity science. For someone with a bucket list that includes building a city on Mars with a million inhabitants, you'd think he might want to buy himself a few more years to get it done, especially given that hes now in his mid fourties and worth 12.5 billion.

I noticed that he recently donated 10 million to a foundation devoted to ensuring that future AI is "friendly to humans". Puzzling.

Posted by: Link at January 19th, 2016 5:27 AM

He said in an interview that he's not too concerned with it, and when asked how long he would like to live, he said "100 good years". The interviewer then asked "100 more?" But the video stopped before the answer. But yes. It's surprising someone with so many grand visions isn't interested. Or maybe he doesn't think it's possible. I don't know.

Posted by: Ham at January 19th, 2016 6:55 AM

"That is a recurring topic, Santi, the answer being that addressing only one category of damage will not have much effect, if any, on your lifespan."

Obviously SENS is a suite of therapies and whilst single things might not raise the bar much when used alone eg, Senolytics or Stem Cell replenishment something like AGE cleaving in my view would likely yield good results alone considering the multitude of downstream things it influences including and not limited to tissue stiffening, stem cell signalling decline (via TGF-beta/IL-6 etc) etc...

It is likely such therapies will not arrive together anyway and Oisin and HLI are examples of SENS therapies already moving ahead. It is the hope that the MMTP will be able to help speed things along in this respect too and are currently in contact with Oisin Biotech as part of our Senolytics plan.

We would of course jump at the chance to test an AGE breaker and plan to do so once one is available.

Posted by: Steve H at January 19th, 2016 8:18 AM

@Link: Agreed. And Musk almost certainly heard of Aubrey and SENS. I'll add that it can't be the risk of being "discredited" that's refraining him from making a large donation to the SRF; he's a visionary technology leader, not a conservative banker.

Posted by: Nico at January 19th, 2016 10:52 AM

Hi all,

I believe this has to with rich people not being convinced, they can get the best health care and so have a shot at a 100, it's nothing to write home about. These days people live to a 100 or at least reach 80-90, it's more common. Wealthy or not, but we can bet that the wealthy ones have the 'fortunate' $ possibility to have the best shot and chances at making the 3-digits lifespan. Poor people who become centenarian are rare and at odds since they oftenly live in areas that don't even have access to these modern hospital cares (although that highly depends on the country's health care accessibility and if there is government/health insurance (taxpayer paid) that pay the medical care fees). Wealthy ones want substance as some said otherwise they too are slightly jaded about lifespan extension working even if it would make them live longer - and richer from ROI return on investment, (for simply paying/investing a rather small fee (for them I mean)) and be still alive to talk about it. Money or not, your dead when your dead.
Lifespan extension or shall we say average lifespan extension and quality healthspan extension are things that can already be done and that wealthy people are aware of. Calorie restriction, carnosine, melatonin, alpha lipoic acid, metformin, aminoguanidine, carnitine, and many other nutracetics help delay oxidative stress aging (a bit), most of these rich people buy supplements to keep health (they can buy the entire health stores if they want to). Until, we see true biorejuvenation in humans, not mice, skepticism will linger among poor or rich, who will content themselves of a '' 'good 100 years' and then? end of story, I'm dead''. The expiry date feeling is still instilled in almost everyone's mind.

And abut intrinsic aging, even I am mixed up, I learned that for example calorie restriction slows aging but benefits are 75+% dependent on Autophagy process (like Atgs, Atg5, Atg6), yet CR doesn't make you immortal. Autophagy of long-lived proteins (collagen , dentin) happens and is capable of reducing crosslinks by AGEs, it also reduces HNE, Acrolein, MDA, TBARS, mtDNA lesions, lipid peroxide, carbonyls, prostanes, glycates and a ton of other damaged DNA/proteins. What it can't degrade is undegradable age pigments (lipofuscin, ceroid, A2E, tau, amyloid, aggregates) that accumulate only in long-lived post-mitotic cells because they do not replicate (no cell cycling means no lipofuscin reduction by cell cycling diluting, thus they accumulate lipofuscin and this causes junk ROS production and oxidative stress telomeres loss replicative lifespan shortening by proteasome and autophagy bottleneck, in these long-lived post-mitotic cells) . Try telling that to rich people or worse, your average lay person on the street. It will be met with skepticism and 'you are crazy in the head with your biological BS pretentious scifi talk, if you think you will outdo death'.

This study shows there is Pathological aging and Intrinsic aging, as 2 different degree-related things sharing same pathways, yet are different but related outcomes; thus distinct, differentiable and classifiable as seperate entities.

Aging Is Not A Disease: Distinguishing Age-Related Macular Degeneration from Aging.

Posted by: CANanonymity at January 19th, 2016 11:18 AM

@Link, @Nico: Neither I nor anyone else at the Foundation has had any contact with Mr. Musk, but this interview indicates that while he does see medical intervention in the degenerative aging process as a desirable and in principle a tractable goal, he doesn't think it's something about which anything can be done, because he believes that it would require germ-line or embryonic gene therapy, which he rightly understands will not be safe or permitted anytime soon (and would, in any case, do nothing to benefit anyone alive today).

This in turn would strongly suggest that the only kinds of strategies for intervention about which he's heard are the traditional "gerontological" ones, which rely on manipulating the metabolic determinants of the rate at which cellular and molecular damage is wrought in our tissues by the biological aging process. In animal models, interventions based on these therapies (such as mutations in genes regulating the growth hormone and insulin signaling pathways) can be effective in slowing down the rate of aging, because it is this damage that slowly impairs the tissues of our bodies as it accumulates over time, resulting in the progressive rise in frailty, disease, disability, and death that people now suffer with age.

But by their nature, such interventions are more effective the earlier they are implemented, because they rely on reducing the rate at which biomolecules become damaged by the metabolic processes contributing to aging, delaying the onset of age-related frailty, disabilty, and disease proportionately to the bending of the cellular and molecular damage-accumulation curve. This too is seen in animal studies, with progressively later benefit the later inducible transgenes are activated (or the later that interventions like Calorie restriction or severe restriction of the amino acid methionine are begun). This limits their effectiveness, particularly in people older than middle age, in whom significant aging damage has already accumulated.

In turn, it also suggests that he has not heard about the "damage-repair" strategy for intervention in aging and its diseases, whose acceleration is the Mission of SENS Research Foundation. As readers of FightAging! will know, The "damage-repair" heuristic advanced by SENS is to develop new therapies based on the application of the principles of regenerative medicine to the structure of the aging body at all levels: from organs and tissues, to cells, and down to the molecular structures within and surrounding them. These "rejuvenation biotechnologies" are therapies that directly remove, repair, replace, or render harmless the cellular and molecular damage of aging. By clearing damaged cells and biomolecules out of aging tissues and replacing them with "youthful" ones, we can structurally and functionally restore aging tissues to a youthful state, leading to a restoration of normal youthful metabolism as downstream consequences of the intrinsic order of the youthful body. With this return to normal functionality at every level will come restored youth, health, vigor, and vitality.

And, critically, because this rejuvenation biotechnologies are able to remove or repair aging damage that is already present in aging tissues, these therapies can be applied even late in life with ongoing efficacy. Moreover, nearly none of them require gene therapy to be implemented, being instead proteins or small molecules that can be delivered by periodic injections or pills, although many of them will be easier to deliver or more effective once safe and highly effective somatic gene therapy is available as an option.

Based on Mr. Musk's comments, I surmise that he is simply totally unfamiliar with the SENS strategy. Granted the superficiality and sensationalism of much of the media coverage of the Foundation's work, this is hardly surprising, and would certainly explain why he has neither made a philanthropic investment in the Foundation nor made any effort to develop rejuvenation biotechnologies himself in a biomedical gerontology Space X.

It would be wonderful if someone would direct Mr. Musk to our website or other sources of better information, or put him directly in contact with Chief Science Officer de Grey.

We should all remember, however, that the catalysis of a transformation of biomedical research generally will not be effected by the private efforts of a few wealthy or driven individual technologists acting alone. It will also require mass-level support, not only for financing, but to tap into the much larger medical research budgets of institutes of the US, the UK, and other governments around the world, as well as the pharmaceutical giants and a flowering sea of startups. Everything we do at the Foundation — research, advocacy, scientific conferences, and supporting the education and training of budding rejuvenation biotechnologists — is aimed at pushing us toward that global tipping point.

Posted by: Michael at January 19th, 2016 1:45 PM

@Michael: There are space-related futuristic conferences that maybe Elon Musk follows. For example: here is he at the Mars Society convention: Maybe Dr. de Grey can talk at one of these space-related conferences. From time to time there are presentations there about suspended animation or genetic engineering of humans for better adaptation to space travel or life in space. A SENS presentation would not be considered off-topic. Some conferences:

Posted by: Antonio at January 21st, 2016 3:47 AM

Michael, thank you for this informative recap and clarification regarding the SRF's lack of contact with Elon Musk.

Aubrey seems to know several high profile innovators, such as Raymond Kurzweil, who maybe could put him in touch with Musk; or at least transmit the entrepreneur a message on behalf of Aubrey and the SRF.

Of course, the rest of us should continue nurturing grass roots efforts in parallel.

Posted by: Nico at January 21st, 2016 5:10 AM

Michael, while Elon Musk might not be the best person to ask, has SENS directly tried to get in contact with someone like Larry Ellison? It's well known how he feels on the issue of longevity, and it could be worth a shot.

Posted by: Ham at January 21st, 2016 10:15 AM

Actually, Elon Musk has known about the SRF for some time (and probably SENS but to what degree of technical detail, I don't know).

Posted by: Florin Clapa at January 21st, 2016 11:20 AM

Ham, I think Mr. Musk would be an excellent person to talk with; Mr. Ellison might also be a productive conversation. Please advise if you have some means of making a real introduction to either :) .

Florin, what is your basis for believing that "Elon Musk has known about the SRF for some time"?

Posted by: Michael at January 21st, 2016 12:15 PM

An extremely reliable source, Michael. ;-)

Posted by: Florin Clapa at January 21st, 2016 1:21 PM

It seems like musk is always giving interviews, so perhaps it would be somewhat feasible to get in touch with his people. I'm not sure as far as Ellison goes, unfortunately. :/

Posted by: Ham at January 21st, 2016 3:54 PM

Musk has been "in touch," but just like with Bezos, that doesn't seem to have made any difference.

Like the AI thing, a better approach might be to create some sort of initiative that involved other wealthy and highly-respected people rather than attempting to contact isolated individuals.

Posted by: Florin Clapa at January 21st, 2016 4:59 PM

@Ham: Thank you for the link. Well at least he does want to live healthily until 100+, which is exactly what SENS could provide him, so that's how a message addressed to him should be framed.

Even though he doesn't want to live for many hundred years (though I'm pretty sure he'll change his mind eventually), SENS is still strategy that perfectly aligns with his goals of a short yet very healthy life.

Posted by: Nico at January 22nd, 2016 5:58 AM

I wonder if Elon Musk could be reached through Twitter perhaps, since he seems pretty active on it? Or Though who knows if that's actually him doing the posting or not. Or maybe through Peter Thiel, since they're friends, and Thiel already donates. That could be an avenue to explore, if they haven't already?

Someone like Larry Ellison would probably be harder to get in touch with through social media, as he's had a Twitter account since 2012 with one tweet, for example.

Posted by: Ham at January 22nd, 2016 6:49 AM

IIRC Larry Ellison funded his own foundation to research genetics/ageing, which activities didn't turn out so well, so Ellison probably lost a good deal of interest in anti-ageing efforts. A challenging would then to reboot his interest in the matter.

Posted by: Nico at January 22nd, 2016 10:31 AM

He did, but I doubt he's changed his mind on how he views death, and wanting to live longer. Who knows though, but it's probably worth reaching out. Worst case is he says no.

Posted by: Ham at January 22nd, 2016 12:30 PM

Agreed. The proposal could be that he pivots the objectives/methodologies of his foundation so that it aligns with SENS.

Posted by: Nico at January 23rd, 2016 2:33 AM

@Michael. I recently read an article over at Singularity Hub about another blog called "Wait but Why". They said that Elon Musk has given the blog several interviews and described it as one of Elon's favourite blogs. Perhaps contacting Wait but Why to do an article on the SENS foundation would be a way to get Musk's attention?

Posted by: Link at January 28th, 2016 1:27 AM

I'm trying to influence the VA medical program to be much more "healthspan extension" oriented.To that end, I have used my personal health goals to coax the VA program to allow me to have the best diagnostic panels, stress tests, & medications, such as extended release metformin, used along with Ptero-pure, which is a USDA funded stilbenoid, resveratrol, & NAD+(niagen),along with senolitic agents such as quercetin, toctrienols, to stimulate apopotis in my arterial linings. I also take a number of prescription drugs from the VA medics. Now the big point I want to make is that I have completed bi-lateral carotid artery surgery now on both sides of my neck,two weeks ago. I have also had my vision tuned up with the latest laser therapy. I have been able to lose 48 lbs. in the last year & keep it off. Likewise I have been able to knock down 19 years of fairly severe T2 diabetes. I have 20 years of detailed medical records that could be used in future research. Naturally I exercise daily! The VA patients are available to help recon med testing in the tens of thousands...with long-term, class A med-records& the field of promising drugs and even... surgical procedures. For example I had to fight to get my second half of my carotid clearance approved...but I was able to make my case, in the end.I wish some of you who are so motivated to raise millions from Silicon Valley tycoons, when the VETS, could do so much by squeezing effective repair surgeries from the huge VA establishment.Metformin, is looking very promising...true, but I'm taking it along with much of the stuff coming out from Mayo Clinic, Harvard, Scrips (FL),& a host of university labs, worldwide. There are millions & million of VA patients who could be the "shock troops, ahead of regular clinical trials...or is this "unfitting" because it is not about raising grant money. I have likely added a decade or more to my own "healthspan", by working on my own health within the VA medical patient community... Perhaps you notice, the nation at last is trying to serve the VETS who put everything on the line, while the ivy league elite took cover in the cloistered halls!!!

Posted by: Allan Silliphant ( Va patient "healthspan" activist) at December 11th, 2016 5:33 AM

So Aubrey's next target is Timothy Urban from the weblog "Wait but Why".
That'd be very much in line with the recent work of LEAF and the ensuing videos from fancy youtubers. Maybe Steve could try to contact Mr. Urban ?

Posted by: Spede at December 9th, 2017 2:53 AM

A little over two years ago I posted a comment about my very encouraging results with a combination of promising anti-ageing research substances. All seems to be holding up well as
this 2 year interval has passed. I'm still trying to get the V.A. to change their focus to
helping the vets that trust them,to be concerned about the concept of HEALTH-SPAN PROLONGATION.
I can plainly see that the steps that I have been taking seem to be very effective in slowing,
& to some at degree, actually making me look & feel younger. Last year I had a chance to meet
Dr. David Sinclair,(Harvard Med.) at a presentation & lunch at USC/Keck Gerontology Center in L.A. We spoke for a few minutes,face to face. So I have a clear image of him at that time. 18 months later, I see him online, speaking about NMN, his better form of precursor to NAD+, He looks way better recently, & he claims to be taking the new, better stuff, in that recent video. I've been taking senolytic substances, like quercetin, tocotrienols,also pterostilbene, and doing at least 400 ten pound arm curls each 24 hours. Also, I had to beat on the VA medics, to allow me take a stress test, to get a green light on the second half of my very effective clearance, surgically, of BOTH side of my carotid stenosis. Blood flow great... My mental clarity is a hoot...I'm so pleased. 5 years ago, I had my eyes tuned up, which is still a thrill. I'm 188 lbs. Can walk a mile in 13 minutes on level ground,still have no fillings in my remaining teeth,& amazingly clear skin,& plenty of hair. Even my PSA is low at.7, with no related problems. Fellow seniors, please look into the science that is about to bear fruit. For example:Checkout RAPAMYCIN's potential... I'd be delighted to hear from anyone who is looking for objective confirmation of their hopes for some of these extra HEALTH-SPAN years that are now there for those who treasure their life experience. Frankly, I see nature & God to have given us the biological mental & science tools to GAIN a doubling of our three score & ten lives, within the coming century...Grab what you can of this bounty, even if it just an extra 10 years of vitality...I'm sure trying! I'm to be 77 next week, but feel now like early 60s, & fit!

Posted by: Allan Silliphant at April 1st, 2018 4:50 AM

I'll be very brief, I have returned to the workforce as a state registered security guard doing
motorized patrol in an industrial complex. This after 18 years disability. I'm taking sublingual NMN as well as NR to raise my level of NAD+. I'm able to do over 1000 ten lb. arm curls each 24 hrs. in sets of 200. Today I walked a mile in 13 minutes. This extra income will allow me to get the supplies to test everything that informed health-span researchers think is ready for some practical real world testing, while being very active as a 77 year old largely recovered T2 diabetic. I hope to avoid the terminal diseases of ageing for at least another 5 years, due to health-span intervention. With a little luck, I hope see a few years of my nineties, & still be
able to walk, see & hear, making life meaningful in those final years. I encourage you to consider doing this as well. Grandparents can be so valuable to the younger family members!

Posted by: Allan Silliphant at July 23rd, 2018 2:11 AM
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